in marriage •  7 years ago 

When you get married to your wife,
you will always keep on seeing many women that are much more beatiful than her.
When you get married to your husband, you will
continue to see many men that more handsome,
with six packs, and more balanced than your husband.

Right then, being able to stick to your own wife and
husband and not going after these people is what
really makes you a faithful spouse.

In that situation, your love for your spouse will not save you from
cheating. In real life, most folks that cheat on
their partners are still in love with them. The only thing that will save you
is self-control.

You need to control yourself to be a faithful spouse.index.jpg

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

While what you say is true, I just want to add the following:
You also need to have an intimate, regular, intense, passionate sexual love affair with your spouse.
This from a Husbands perspective:
You need to be willing to learn how to satisfy her and also to serve her in this regard like a servant. Be willing to learn what turns her on, and what does not. Be generous in giving pleasure/orgasms, as many as she would have.
You need to be able to forego your own pleasure and let her explode in pleasure again and again, and then let her take care of you.
You need to be selfless, and sometimes you need to sacrifice. How?
What if you are really tired yet she is in the mood? Be strong and stay awake to pleasure her. What if you are in the mood and she is very tired? Let her rest!
You need to be accommodating, she is your princess, your queen, your goddess, all in one.
This also applies to other areas in life such as doing chores for her when she is tired, or bringing her flowers when she is sad, even if you just go outside to pick a couple of daisies, stick em in a glass of water and put it next to her and you tell her that you did so just because you love her.
Be romantic!
There is so much more you can do or be in the bedroom and in regular life, but if you take to heart what I already mentioned it will go a far way to making your spouse happy!

You are making a point.

But men.... I mean HELLO!

Your comment is one side.

I wouldn't go into marriage to serve someone.

I mean ... common!

What I'm trying to say is that it should go both ways

especially the sexual relationship aspect ... as well as everything even.