Saving Marriage — Highly Regarded Institution Of Days Past

in marriage •  2 years ago 

Marriage at one time was considered by large numbers of people to be a cherished institution. However, in recent years, marriage and people’s perception of marriage, has changed and it no longer is held in high regard, which may be one explanation for an increased divorce rate.

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In our modern world, is saving marriage worth the effort, and if it is, how do we make saving it happen?

Let us talk quite bluntly about the institution of marriage as it formally existed. At one time it was almost impossible to get a divorce and it was indeed a lifelong commitment, which if you’ll think about it wasn’t necessarily a good idea.

An abused wife is a good example, she rarely had no other option but to bear the abuse.

That wasn’t a good thing about marriage in the past and one thing that led to divorce laws being loosened as time progressed.

Purists would I’m sure agree, that marriage isn’t always a good thing and that in some instances, a marriage can and should be dissolved ( check your Bible, adultery is considered grounds for a divorce).

On another point, it makes no common sense to allow people to treat marriage like a revolving door, marrying and divorcing for frivolous reasons.

On to save the marriage.

Rightfully speaking, if you’re married, your marriage is very important to you. Saving marriage may have a more personal meaning to you, however, if you're going through a rough time with your partner in your relationship.

You’ll be more interested in ways of saving your marriage, but you may not even consider saving the institution of marriage at all.

Keeping couples together is how to achieve a saving marriage, except in the rare exceptions when a couple just is not compatible. Couples facing tough challenges within their relationship needn’t worry about the institution of marriage.

Every marriage counts, so couples should be focusing their energy on fixing their marriage,

If you’re a happily married couple, it would be great if you could help other couples get through any rough areas they’re having difficulty with.

Shifting the collective attitude is the most difficult thing to overcome when saving the marriage. People need to respect people being married.


Answering the question of how is never easy, but we need a starting point. Having a deep respect for marriage is a great first step. Forget the dirty and off-colored jokes about spouses who cheat, don’t refer to one another as “old lady/old man”, just care and respect one another.

Having a sense of humor is necessary for a marriage and a relationship, laughter is a great way to get along with one another, but the humor doesn’t have to be downgraded or off-colored.

A lot of the population of today may think saving marriage is quaint, but marriage has numerous benefits. Studies have shown, for example, that those who are married tend to live longer. Marriage also seems to add a great deal of stability to society.

On the other hand, divorce hurts all involved, both financially and emotionally.

More couples need to make a commitment to making marriage work, not run away at the first sign of difficulty. This will be a benefit for everybody, as well as, society.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:
Marriage ‘on the rocks’? Read this ASAP
How is your marriage going? To be honest… how is it ACTUALLY going?

If you’re reading this right now, then chances are your marriage isn’t what it used to be… and maybe it’s so bad, that you feel like your world is falling apart.

You feel like all the passion, love, and romance have completely faded.

You feel like you and your partner can’t stop yelling at each other.

And maybe you feel that there’s almost nothing you can do to save your marriage, no matter how hard you try.

But you’re wrong.

You CAN save your marriage — even if your spouse says that they want a divorce.

You CAN rebuild that passion you felt for one another when you first kissed. And you can bring back that love and devotion you felt for one another when both of you said, “I love you” for the first time.

If you feel like your marriage is worth fighting for, then do yourself a favor and watch this quick video that will teach you everything you need to know about salvaging the most important thing in the world.


In this video, you’ll learn the 3 critical mistakes that most couples commit that rip marriages apart. Most couples will never learn how to fix these three simple mistakes.

You’ll also learn a simple, proven “Marriage Saving” method that makes marriage counselors look like kindergarten teachers.

So if you feel like your marriage is about to take its last few breaths, then I urge you to watch this quick video.

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