Love Is Love

in marriageequality •  9 years ago 

Days before our 2016 federal election in Australia, there was Marriage Equality Rallies in every capital city across the country, at the same time.

I was lucky to be travelling in Western Australia at the time, and attended this lovely gathering in Perth.

Both sides of our two party government system are afraid of committing to this issue, despite the majority of Australians being in favour of marriage equality.

They have proposed referendums, conscious votes and plebiscites which are costly, drawn out processes. They could legislate today if they wanted to.


Perhaps they hope that with scare campaigns and propaganda, enough prejudiced and misinformed people will vote against reform. They will then be able to uphold our out dated laws, that discriminate against the GLBTI members of our community.


People will continue to love each other and continue to raise their children (yes that debate is redundant, they already have children), even without the change in laws.

But continuing to deny people equality, is to deny who they are at the core of their being. Love is felt from the heart, the soul. To say that one persons love is more acceptable, or valid, or real or appropriate, denies the very being of a person, at the core of who they are. Changing these laws isn’t just about the right to marry, it’s about the community recognising that your relationship, who you are is equal.

Young GLBTI Australians are up to seven times more likely to attempt suicide. 82% of GLBTI people in Australia will experience homophobic violence or harassment, 80% of which are experienced before leaving school.

Let’s send a message to these young people.

You are valued.

You are Important.

Who you love, and how you love, and who you are is not only okay it is perfect.


#loveislove #marriageequality #love #politics #glbti #life #photography

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