Fun & Amasing Pyschic Insights Today & Diolauge about Truth of Mars

in mars •  6 years ago  (edited)

[10:05:33 AM] Wolfose McButhole: honestly id kinda rather do more stuff like remote viewing teaching /using physic gifts i was practice that earlier was really fun i started getting partial visualls n shit again and acturians gave me this psycdellics pattern i started seeing was reall amasing n fun
[10:05:41 AM] Wolfose McButhole: i dunno im a fear whore i guess
[10:06:18 AM] Thomas Pettersen: Its not easy being a channeler
[10:06:32 AM] Wolfose McButhole: its gunna get easier tho
[10:06:58 AM] Wolfose McButhole: more and more higher awareness is getting anchored into our solar system itll be commonplace eventually
[10:07:26 AM] Thomas Pettersen: Yes I know. Its good
[10:07:56 AM] Wolfose McButhole: yea felt fucking amasing earlier though that awareness i got
[10:08:12 AM] Wolfose McButhole: felt like i was home again like 1 of my lifetimes in the good times on atlantis or something
[10:08:38 AM] Wolfose McButhole: it was pattern somewhat like 1 of those
[10:09:16 AM] Wolfose McButhole: but nothing id seen b4 yet it felt like i had at the same time and i literally was it
[10:15:57 AM] Thomas Pettersen: Nice
[10:16:02 AM] Thomas Pettersen: Strange but cool
[12:13:03 PM] Wolfose McButhole: yea well after i heard the ssp slave guy talk about being programmed 2 be a solider with biinuaral beats
[12:13:12 PM] Wolfose McButhole: i started taking more of this more realisticly
[12:13:40 PM] Wolfose McButhole: he was shown video 2 of fighting insect bugs and 2 always engage instead of fleeing
[12:13:55 PM] Wolfose McButhole: LOl omg that movie
[12:15:05 PM] Wolfose McButhole: holy fucking shit i think they are preprogramming us for disclosure and we are 2 but holy fuck
[12:15:46 PM] Wolfose McButhole: i mean what he went threw wasnt like that movie but he said some of his comrade on one mission got ripepd apart by the insects like giant claws n shit so lol

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