mars war lecture pt2.

in mars •  6 years ago 

most of the stuff comes from 2 areas


oh neato the bombs or something like that was detonated in the air air burst still fuck these guys really went all out....
probably at the time of a galatic cycle shifting like we are going threw id betcha.....

i know we are beyond this now besides there's many beings watching the earth that aren't gunna allow this anyways.... many of our nukes and even test missles have been disabled or shutoff. thankfull we already would've had ww3 if there wasn't bevolent intervention...

this happend arond 1/4 of a billion years ago he says

damm pentagon even said his intrepation was correct... and was cool with him publising this 6 months after he talked with some one there...


man watching this sure makes hellavu movie .... but i doubt ud wanna watch the whole ting grime and dark is a understatment..... i mean our alcopayse movies i guess are real in a other realties fuck.....

nasa editing images agian duh

32:00 well there u have it groups & sub-groups withing like nasa arent some all powerful group more like bunch overly egoistical ppl trying 2 fight each other for power & influence... same goes for skull & bones ,illumanti freemasons etc

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