His head was heavy and his throat was dry. Lu Feng wanted to vomit because of his hangover. But the empty stomach had nothing to spit out. He opened his eyes as if he had exhausted his strength. He saw a crowded small room. He was lying on a wooden bed. The surrounding environment was very old and smelled of mildew“ Where is this? " No one answered him. There was a red bucket not far away. Lu Feng stood up in front of the bucket, scooped up half a ladle of cold water and drank it. At last, Lu Feng was more comfortable. He looked up and looked at himself in the mirror in front of him. In the mirror was a man with messy hair in his twenties. He was wearing a labor protection camouflage suit on his upper body and a worn suit pants on his lower body. His face is dry and thin, like perennial malnutrition. Lu Feng's hand trembled and touched his face. It felt so real! Who is this? This is not me! Unfinished to be continued! Welcome to watch!
Billionaire unexpected crossing
4 years ago by wang6 (25)