Splitting the mind - Energy imbalance - Mk ultra slaves (Black Veil 7a)

in masculinity •  7 years ago  (edited)

When people are In locked left-brain-thinking they cannot see the whole picture, they see the dots but not how they connect. We need the benefit of the right brain to connect the dots and see the whole. Part of the reason some television programming like Bimbo’s initiation and the red pill scene in The Matrix is directing people to the left is because they want people locked in the left brain, this is the reason that children are encouraged to write with their right hand, the left part of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left, by forcing children to use the right hand it tips the balance into making them more left brained.

The right brain is seen as the creative mind and the left is the logical structured side. Left brained people are snapped up by the military and the police force. Right brain people are often stifled by not being allowed free reign of their creative faculties. The Government hate right brained people.

One reason that the government want people severely imbalanced into one side of the brain is so that their perceptions are warped. A woman that wants a man to be 100% totalitarian is basically making a slave of herself, and a man that wants to be the slave master is just as easily controllable because they think it’s the way to live, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog etc.

The government want compliant little slaves, the men that are willing to have their own mind controlled sex puppet are no different to the actual women being made the slaves, they are still controlled by their warped thinking.

What we are supposed to be doing is trying to unify both hemispheres of the brain and become complete, but because we don’t understand this we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for our “other half.” A man has an internal male and a woman has an internal female, this is called the Anima and the Animus. We are meant to unify the masculine and feminine energy that we all have and become one with ourself and everything around us. In achieving this we can easily transcend the physical body.

Take a look just how many films are showing split personalities, you will be amazed. Also, you have singers like Nicki Minaj openly telling your children about her multiple personality disorder and how one day she is a woman called Rosa and the next how she is a little boy called Roman. Lady Gaga goes out as dressed as man and calls herself Joe Calderone, Beyonce has an alter ego called Sasha Fierce, and the reason that they are showing you so much mental illness is because it warps your own mind and you become imbalanced.

When a man is imbalanced into the masculine he will be more likely to accept a trauma based mind controlled beta kitten sex slave. When a woman is imbalanced into her feminine she will be easy to make one. This goes much deeper than this though because a man may actually be imbalanced into his feminine, he could also be made a sex slave and the opposite applies for a woman.
One reason for the splitting of the mind and movies and music directing the mind into an imbalance is the Transgender Agenda, which we get onto later.

If you click the picture at the top of this blog you will be directed to video, I apologise for this video being in 2 parts but I couldn’t upload the whole file for some reason. Also what you have just read will be copied onto part 2. Thank you for reading this short description and liking the video, much appreciated.

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