Bring back men who access and express full emotional range.

in masculinity •  4 years ago 


I’m so ready for the standard of behavior for white males to shift away from the whiny, bitchy blame-shifting of the last 20 or so years and back to the angry stoicism, the quiet grimness of John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and Humphrey Bogart. I am certain the therapeutic and pharmacological advances of the last half century can mitigate the familial fallout of their suppressed rage to the point that they will begin to enjoy shutting the fuck up and not blaming women and minorities and LGBTQ people for their manifest inability to deal with changing social and economic circumstances.

Look at what we have in the Oval Office. The absolute ne plus ultra of white male fragility, barely restrained libido, and unbridled boastful ignorance. The Sack Of Shit In Chief is the culmination of two solid decades of white males getting in touch with their feelings while thinking that having done so gives license to share them with their everyone. “LAZY MEXICAN RAPISTS STOLE MY JOB...AND I’M MAD AS HELL” may be a feeling someone has had, but there is no reason for that to be shared in a civil society. “IT’S ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE,” while textually true, is the confused bleating of men who aren’t secure enough in their masculinity to remember that what other men do in their private lives is none of their fucking business. How could actual, manly men have forgotten that? Fucking snowflakes.

“YOU CAN’T JUST PUT ON MAN CLOTHES AND SAY YOU’RE A MAN! IF YOU HAVE A VERGINA YOU CAN’T BE A MAN,” say thousands of “men” who flubbed their way through trade and vocational schools, barely grasping basic math and fractions but nevertheless calling themselves “high school graduates,” “electricians,” “plumbers,” and “adults.”

A couple of decades worth of white men bitching and moaning, going on and on and on about “how things ought to be,” about how modern life doesn’t comport with a holy book they have not or cannot read, about how obsessed and pissed off they were about other people’s behaviors (remember when Dads used to tell you stuff like “Don’t worry about what other people think. Don’t worry about what other people do. If everybody ran off a cliff, would you do it too?”) has culminated in a President like Biden and no less Trump, an electorate pimpled with whiny man-bitches sheltering in their pickup trucks so they can make 20 minute videos just to say “I AM ANGRY! I AM MAD! WAAAAAAAHHH!! JESUS IS LORD!”

It’s time for these “men” to take their cue from actual men and shut their goddamned mouths.

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