Last night I tried to forget the reality of the Great Unreality tightening its claws on what were our peaceful and lawful and democratic countries and reaching its dirty sharp nails into our brains, picking and scratching and searching for our elusive souls so as to destroy them. In the effort to sooth and calm my mind I poked around on YouTube (Antiques Roadshow works OK). Damn it! There’s that horror again!
On YouTube I discovered the personal account of a young Australian woman who is now home barely two weeks after being incarcerated, for absolutely no crime and after her appearance in absolutely no courtroom before absolutely no judge and with the consultation of absolutely no lawyer for two weeks in the largest concentration camp in Australia. She’s home for now. But there’s no doubt she’ll never feel safe in her home again. At any moment THEY (uniformed or uninformed people claiming to be police) could knock on her door, or smash it down, and haul her bodily into a van and transport her again to the concentration camp. The van would probably be a former party limousine painted with jolly logos just like the van which hauled her away a month ago. She learned that the reason she was so especially singled out when others have been “permitted” to “quarantine” in their homes for 14 days to get over the Covid disease they do not have.
The reason she was put in stir behind fences in a little cabin under video surveillance 24/7 in a space bounded by painted lines under the threat of having her imprisonment extended if she put one toe over the line, the reason for this inhuman treatment is that she was being punished for saying she had had a PCR “test” when she hadn’t.
And right this moment a light went on in my head: she was Permitted to keep her cell phone and use it to video the tiny porch, about two meters square bounded by painted lines and video the prison guards in hazmat plastic suits and paper masks ”warning" her not to step off the porch while telling her they were “doing the right thing” denying her “permission” to take a walk as she begged for some freedom. And YouTube played the interview she gave and played the video she took. And here I was, a little old man in far away Vancouver, “permitted” to see this video. Now I feel like I don’t want to face the dawn. I want to run away but there’s no place to run to. I’m incarcerated too. I’m terrorized too. That’s why I am “permitted” to see this video.
This innocent young woman was horrified by the tightening dictatorship in Melbourne, which just yesterday was made even more iron fisted because the parliament gave Premier Dan Andrews “legal” powers of an absolute dictator so he can now simply order anyone to be hauled away in a party van to indefinite prison in a concentration camp for any or no reason at all. This young lady, a clerk in a retail shop, moved up north to Darwin which was slightly less oppressive. Then there was one “case” of a “positive PCR test” – ONE “case! – found most conveniently after the big new concentration camp was finished, and the police started kidnapping people and whisking them away in the dead of night in the New Normal Australian re-enactment of the 1930s German Nazi Gestapo’s “Night and Fog”.
It must be getting annoying, dear reader, my putting quotation marks around every second word. But I don’t know how else to make a difference between actual sane reality and the insane pseudo-reality which has stolen and perverted words like “legal”. What Dan Andrews is doing is not legal under any conception of what could possibly be called law, Common law or even Australian law. So damn him and the so-called Parliamentarians of Melbourne to hell eternal for stealing and dirtying the word Law and raping and perverting it to mean lawless totalitarian rule.
Recently in Toronto a fire fighter was handed a written order to report for “vaccination” or be fired from the service which is saving Tornontonians real lives from real perils; he dropped his pants and wiped his bum with it. Hurrah for him! That’s the old Canadian spirit! Our so-called governments have prepared the means to crush the spirit of Canada, Australian style. Our so-called Parliaments, federal and provincial, have rubber-stamped the authorization for the so-called democratic so-called government to build concentration camps so our so-called police can haul people like that firefighter away and imprison him under the orders of our so-called health authorities for his so-called health benefit and the so-called safety of all the rest of us cowering and worrying in our places of residence for fear of real world tyranny. A tyranny from which we get no safety at all because the law has been perverted. The perverts who run our so-called government are substituting Pseudo-Reality in place of actual reality and by the way subtly assuring us that if we notice the difference and protest, the oppressors and perverts have such absolute power that they don’t have to give a shit whether we protest or not.
I’ve written recently about Pseudo-Reality and its construction by means of perverting language. I’ve written about how this perversion inducts us all into a false world, a world of delusion – not our delusion but the delusion believed in like a Cult by the perverts who have seized control of what used to be our government. If you don’t know what I mean by calling our Liberal rulers a Cult of perverts take a look into the 2016 Annual Report of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation with its Boy-lover logo on the front page and its mission to “distribute” the resources of the globe and manage the heavens above better than God or Nature. This ambition is insane. It is the ambition of lunatics. They live in a world of delusion where men and women, mothers and fathers, biological reality itself, don’t exist. Also the law doesn’t exist and the society we live in which has evolved over 800 years of the development of Common Law and which we reaffirmed by voting in every election, doesn’t exist in this perverted fantasy. Pseudo-Reality replaces all these actually realities and if we don’t believe that they’ll twist our bodies and minds until we do.
The delusion is enacted by us all every time we wear a mask to shop for basic necessities; I do it because I know I’ll be expelled from the grocery store if not arrested if I make a fuss. But at least I know I’m being forced; I have that much of a hold on my sanity. I see people out on the sidewalks of my neighbourhood who wear the mask out in the open air. They are no longer normal. They think they are normal but in fact they are delusional. They think they are sane and “doing the right thing” just like those Australian concentration camp guards think they are sane and doing the right thing. I see plenty of my neighbours lining up to get into restaurants which refuse to admit anybody who doesn’t have a QR code on their smart phone screen affirming their “Vaccination status”.
These people are not normal. They are not sane. They are not living in the real world. They are living in a Pseudo-Reality. I pray in my heart and soul that their insanity will be temporary. But I’m losing hope. The very consolidated, very controlled, globally controlled and owned media, from the CBC to the Vancouver Sun to CTV to YouTube and Twitter and Google are a centrally controlled insanity-producing machine. They are the primary means of mass mind control, mass hypnosis, mass perversion. And I look at my neighbours and all my friends I used to know and I see how successful the hypnosis has been. I turned off the CBC years ago so my mind is less clogged up with PMO-paid-for propaganda. I’ve urged my friends to dump their Smart Phones. No good. Now they are sucked into those screens like the characters in Tron or The Matrix; they got the jabs and they use the QR codes and they drift farther away from sanity every day. They don’t believe mass hypnosis is possible. That’s because they are hypnotized.
I’m a stubborn old mule and you can’t hypnotize a mule. Maybe you can send him to the soap factory. Maybe my friends would be delusional enough to approve of that. Actually one of them as much as told me they would, that if I resisted being a participant in the Jabbing and the Passport I deserved whatever punishment the government wants to give me. I’m not normal, said this so-called friend. But it’s she who is not normal, not sane.
I’m sane because I live in the real world where facts I see with my own eyes are the truth I live by just like any animal God ever made. I live in the real world where the mask is a germ laden suffocating muzzle and the Pfizer and Moderna injections are not “vaccines” but toxic genetic modification that has killed a minimum of 18,000 Americans since January at the very least and probably nearer to 200,000. Anybody can look up these officially confirmed facts just like anybody can look around them and see there is no pandemic, no disease more serious than the flu, and no justification for people to be arrested for living like a sane human being like we did just two years ago. Why am I bugging my friends and family and neighbours as I do? It’s because I love my friends and my neighbours and my family members as I love myself.
In the Gospel, Jesus said he would ask the Father to give a great comforter to those who love God and love their neighbours as they love themselves and treat others as they would wish to be treated. This comforter is the Spirit of Truth. My Jesus, my God, is the god of Truth. I will cling to that great Comforter, stern though He may often be to keep me on the path of Truth. He restores my soul. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because He is with me.