Massa Blockchain: quick intro and list of useful links about the project

in massa •  2 years ago 

New generation blockchain, a solution to the blockchain trilemma, bandwidth higher than Visa has, and much more. Meet Massa


What is Massa

Massa is developing a new architecture called Blockclique that scales transaction throughput to 10 000 transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization or security. This architecture is based on sharding transactions in a multi-threaded blockchain. For those who like to dig into the technical details, you can learn more about the technology in the project's whitepaper.

In a nutshell:

  • Massa combines transaction sharding with a multi-threaded blockchain architecture that allows you to create parallel blocks with compatible transactions.

  • The blockchain extends Nakamoto's consensus rule to the case of parallel blocks, providing a secure and decentralized consensus using Proof-of-Stake.

  • Blockclique's architecture can process thousands of transactions per second, on par with traditional financial systems like Visa.

  • The number of transactions processed by blockchains is not even close to that of classical financial systems. For example, VISA processed 111 billion transactions in 2017 (an average of 3500 tx/s). As a result, the blockchain can easily become overloaded.

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Security is paramount for the mass adoption of blockchain technology, and it is becoming increasingly important as more projects and funds enter the ecosystem. Without security, the blockchain will not be able to reach its full potential. Unfortunately, the trend of centralization is still present, even if we transition to a Web2 infrastructure. This contradicts the core principles of crypto, and also leads to a decrease in security. Take, for instance, the recent Ethereum Merge, which reduced the number of validators, but also required a minimum of 32 ETH to run a validator node, making it inaccessible to many people. Additionally, the blockchain trilemma claims that networks cannot be simultaneously decentralized, secure, and scalable.

Massa is a revolutionary blockchain infrastructure that is uniquely positioned to solve the trilemma with its autonomous smart contracts, blockclique architecture, transaction sharding, and Proof-of-Stake consensus. These features reduce the security risk of Web2 infrastructures, and also make Massa more accessible to its community. For example, users can start their own validator nodes with only a few tokens, leading to higher levels of decentralization than other blockchains.
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Massa's Node

Those who regularly operate a node and generate blocks will be rewarded with genuine Massa tokens when the mainnet launches. Staking enhances the network's security. By purchasing rolls (freezing your coins) and creating your share of blocks, you help honest nodes collectively defend against potential attackers, who must not reach 51% of the block production. On mainnet, staking is incentivized with block rewards: for each block generated, you receive some Massa. On testnet, however, you get testnet Massa, which has no value, which is why we will give you mainnet Massa for learning to set up your node and stake now, which also assists us in refining the staking user experience. On July 16th, they released the first public version of Massa, the first testnet. After one week, more than 350 nodes were connected at the same time, overloading the bootstrap nodes which were the only nodes accepting connections. By setting up your node to be routable (with a public IP), you become a real peer in the peer-to-peer network: you not only connect to existing routable nodes, but you also give other people the chance to access the network through your connection. Therefore we also reward how often your node is publicly accessible.

Learn more and install a node:

Massa's decentralized web

If you're interested in taking advantage of Massas' decentralized web platform, here's how to get started:

To begin, you'll need to download the Massas software. Once you've done that, you'll be able to access the decentralized web and its features. Next, you'll need to configure the software to your preferences. This includes setting up your user account, as well as any additional security measures you'd like to take. Finally, you'll need to connect to the decentralized web, which can be done through a variety of methods.

In sum, installing Massas' decentralized web platform is a fairly straightforward process. All you need to do is download the software, configure it to your needs, and connect to the decentralized web. Once you do that, you'll be able to take advantage of Massas' unique platform and all its features.

Learn more:


In crypto, a lot depends on hype. If we compare how many people know about Aptos and Massa, the advantage will clearly be in favor of the first project. And here we can argue for a long time about the coolness of the Move language, investments, or something else. But the main thing is not to overlook the main thing and not to forget that the crypto industry is not only about hype but also about technology. Massa is a Layer-1 blockchain that offers its own solution to the blockchain trilemma and can conduct up to 10 000 transactions per second.

To understand what Massa is, how the community lives, and whether it is interesting for you, join the first community in Discord. The rest is up to you.

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