Why is the Holocaust a detail ? (6M Death)

in massacre •  8 years ago  (edited)

Old holocaust
I think the holocaust is a very little detail that deserve nearly no attention. An i agree and assume this saying.

If you feel offended, i can understand but please read the article first and let your thinking run deeper after. It's just my point of view.


Yes, this subject is sensible, I think it seem like there is a kind of law, a law ruled by comportment involved my mass movement induced by mainstream movement that limit the envy to debate about thing such as that and understand what, how and why deeper.

What is the holocaust ?

The holocaust also called the Shoah was a genocide in which some 6.000.000 European Jews where killed by Nazi Germans. The victims included 1.500.000 children.

Source: Wikipedia, The holocaust

How, why and who the holocaust ?

Often speaking about that is not easy and debate nearly turn around the same points without letting to something useful, i won't explain about how they where massively transported by train or how much this is bad, this debate has been talked a lot of time. So the how will be aborted, if you want to know more about how, Wikipedia and the web in general will do the trick.

How of why ?

This title trick my mind too but what i say by that is that the how, is often associated to the end of the entire process but can not permit us to gain an advantage, a lesson or something useful about that, this often let us in revulsion and anger without knowing deeper and turn us into our-selves enemies.

To begin by the beginning, we must consider some facts.

  • Hitler has written his detailed plan in a book publicly released.
  • Hitler has gain power and has been (At his start) been financed by American establishment. Some people would say that is because the american establishment feared the communist organization because it was a threat to the capitalism organization.
  • Hitler have used mass propaganda tools using technologies such as radio newspaper and public display to manipulate social opinion, create mass movement and provide a sheep movement. Public opinion have been manipulate in order to create fear, divide unit and create fear and social and governmental pressure to continue and facilitate his plans.
  • Hitler has not created employment he has generated money, that has created a virtual growth but like all the real value associated with this growth has been wasted in arms and other stuff that can not be valued by other money, the German money has lost all his value. However people and Hitler himself didn't understand that and have believe that Hitler would bring the country up in a rude time supported by the result of his fake growth.

People have joined a mainstream movement induced by anger and fear and augmented by media tools utilization and enforced by ignorance.
All theses fact and many more have induced what we actually know about our 70's latest years on our earth. But this hasn't been possible without the ignorance, division, fear and acceptance (Became easier after subliminal information).

Holocaust conclusion

Some political master, leaded by Hitler wanted to conquer and unify some other lands an group of population detained by other political leaders.
This have been possible with the division and manipulation of people that have by conscientious/semiconscious ignorance permit political and high placed leader to achieve their evil plan and kill 6.000.000 people.

I would personally add that Jews at this time detained a lot of art science and other "intelligent" skills/jobs and had a great influence on population. I think the victory of "evil's force" (Hitler and all people that have helped and argue with that) is the cut of these "high knowledge" group of people and the division and also manipulation that went with that.

So, i think we have all the the same opinion to say that this massacre was a very horrible act, but has the debate has been oriented about what lessons can we take from this period to take a better trajectory for our future ? I don't think so or in any case not enough, that wasn't the main question...

We're just learned that is bad. Maybe if the debate could have been a bit larger and include deeper thoughts and not a unique thinking way, the same pattern would be avoided today.

What pattern is similar ? A mass movement divided, back up against each other, and highly influanced/manipulated even more than before has already emerged, keeping deep thinker under a criticism prison. Theses leaded, i would prefer manipulated by friendly with each other people that are manipulated too by other people an often the monetary system, however the mass movement is difficult to communicate with about theses things, the "system", the whole process and themselves has built like a shield against an other way of thinking. This manly provided by mainstream informations provider such as series, news and TV in general.

Why does the Holocaust a detail ?

Because the real problem is the root cause, ignorance and corruption trough manipulation by perverting meaning goal and acceptation of this, and make a mistake is not ~bad, but not learning from it or push this anger generated input by this in fighting with each other and generate thoughts without a meaning or an advantage, that produce no useful output is an energy massacre.

It's a detail because causes are more important. It's better to focus on not reproducing a bad pattern than producing an amount of madness ready to be placed in an other direction such as German hate, humanity hate and other similar directions.

Massacre is in fact a group of death due to a similar cause.

What about now ?

According to the death cause statistics for 2012 per the World Health Organization,

Top 10 death cause are:

10. Hypertensive Heart Disease (1.1 million deaths; 2% of all deaths)

9. Vehicular Accidents (1.3 million deaths; 2.2% of all deaths)

8. Diabetes (1.5 million deaths; 2.7% of all deaths)

7. Diarrhea (1.5 million deaths; 2.7% of all deaths)

6. HIV & AIDS (1.5 million deaths; 2.7% of all deaths)

5. Lung, Tracheal, & Bronchial Cancers (1.6 million deaths; 2.9% of all deaths)

4. Lower Respiratory Infections (3.1 million deaths; 5.5% of all deaths)

3. COPD (3.15 million deaths; 5.6% of all deaths)

2. Stroke (6.7 million deaths; 11.9% of all deaths)

1. Ischaemic Heart Disease (7.4 million deaths; 13.2% of all deaths)

Source, article written based on the World Health Organization statistics from 2012.
I couldn't find the evolution of death cause trough years but i would be curious.

Of course there is not something specific that cause theses death, this is more something we can call "the system".

However some malfunction in the system cause a lot of the whole ~28.850.000 Death each year (Varies slightly depending the year), which represent ~4.808 Holocaust per year. These number are only due by top 10 death cause !

And we can't list personality or mental "death", a mental enslavement or reduction of passion for something that is a kind of inner death that cause physical deaths.

I see the speech "Yes but these death can not be entirely avoided" come.

This is absolutely true and a bit like holocaust, there is a kind of evil cause that can be avoided and his a part of the human being but however how could some death cause decreased ?

Considering numbers, even a 1% of the top 10 death cause reduction is enormous.

Are all these death really unavoidable ?

What do you think ?

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You do realize that getting Diarrhea is no the same as being suffocated with poisonous gas.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Absolutely, but it is death by Diarrhea. I won't talk about death type, i just wanted to write a higher point of view about relativity of death.
Clearly comparing number and cause and seeing real terror by that.
From a non-common point of view, not false for that.

I get your point.
I'm trying to say that murder is wrong, death is natural.

I completely agree, is sometime natural death caused by a kind of murder trough an adding of dirty water in the system pool ?

Not sure this comment will balance anything, but death was closer to nurture than nature.