The Master's wisdom # 26 – Creation IS!

in master •  7 years ago 

No matter how enlightened you are; unless you focus your consciousness in the reality-system you are interested in, you will create nothing!


Credit: redcrown

So many people are looking for the way to control their reality, to make their life better, happier. This lofty goal leads them to study, to learn about life, to explore their inner worlds, and to grow as spiritual beings.

But alas, many find that their creative capabilities do not improve. Indeed, they have gained much wisdom, they can be great teachers to others, but in their own private life, they cannot manifest the things they desire.

For they do not exist. Their consciousness is traveling in other dimensions, and they do nothing - for their own reasons - to have it planted here, in this physical world.

Creations IS. And to be a conscious creator one must be present. This rule applies to each and every reality-system you find yourself in, be it the physical, the dream world or other.


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Oh there are so many of those teachers online and ones i have encountered in real life, proclaiming this and that and waffling on about how balanced and abundant they are. But I can feel people, or read them, or whatever, I think it's more feel because it's not normally information, it is a feeling, of how they are feeling, and 90% of them are lying to get peoples money or an ego boost (In my opinion). I can even see it on here, I have scanned a few blogs/profiles of the self help nature and consciousness expanding nature and i just know this is not a true reflection of themselves. The sense is much stronger if i can see a picture of them, but it's one aim with my blog, just to be honest and raw about all this kind of stuff because there does not seem to be many.

I get good vibes from your profile though ;)

I came back to edit this but wanted to show i've edited it because we're all guilty of this- saying judgemental things, and i am trying to become more mindful of it. To say they are all lying is unfair. Many people will have their hearts in the right place but just be confused or in denial themselves.

Many people will have their hearts in the right place but just be confused or in denial themselves.

Indeed. Most people have good intentions, even the charlatans of the new age era. True teachers do not teach, they merely serve as standards. They definitely don't need the teaching as a source for abundance and they surely don't count on their students to bring them money. Yet again, it's the age of self - responsibility we live in, and each person should choose for themselves the teachers they follow. If at all. Your scanning does help.

Thanks for your words, mate 👍

Make your presence count. May it be in the physical or in the dream world. Use your capabilities to live the life you want. Never allow any negative thought ruin it. 😊❤

There's something interesting about so called negative thoughts. They are not real until one gives them attention. Meaning, it's equally counter productive to wallow in negative thoughts or to fight with the mind to deny them. The solution is to just let them flow and trust that they are not yours 👍🙂

I love this @nomad-magus!❤ Thank you very much!😊

Reality should be there

Posted using Partiko Android

Reality of life

after I read your post, I can be inspired well, lessons can be taken for me @nomad-magus