MINDblowing - Your Mind is Super Fast, Even Faster than Super Computer!

in masteringmind •  6 years ago 

Yes, what you read is true. Your Mind is Super Fast and it is even Faster than Super Computer. You won't believe it? I can prove it. You are made up by your own Mind. "As the Mind so the Man". "You are what your Mind is". It's not you but your Mind which decides what is good and what's bad. Tell me, who decides who's your friend, who's your Best Friend, who's your enemy? Is it you? No... It's your mind which decides this. When you see a person your mind clicks. When you say this is a good person or this is a bad person, then what exactly are you referring to? Clothes he's wearing? His shoes? Face? Personality? then what? It's nothing but your mind. You are what your Mind is. And NOT what your body is.

Whatever your mind thinks about a person in front of you, you judge that person and look at him from the glasses of your mind. A person who is bad for you can be very good for someone else. A person good for you might be very bad for someone else. Isn't it? Yes, it's only mind that differentiates between anything good or bad, may be it's living or non living, a human or a thing. Let's make it more clear by taking a simple example. Which color do you like? Green? Blue? Red? Purple, or any other? Now ask any two persons nearby you. And I bet 99% you will get some different answer. Why? It's because your mind says Green color is good and you like that color. And so is the thing with everything else. Still don't believe me?

Okay.. Just think, who prevents you from getting up early in the morning? Is there someone who holds you to remain in bed? Haha.. No, it's your mind. Who tells you to shut or snooze the ringing alarm that you yourself had set before going to sleep at night? It's your mind. Trust me, if your mind doesn't work for a second, you would have not been reading this line at this point of time.... dead! Am I right? It is your mind who works day and night, every minute, every second, non-stop. And more important is you are it's reflection. You are what it is and you do what it wants. When you say I am so and so because of that person, I am what I am today because of that person. But believe me if your Mind had not co-operated, that X person could have done nothing. So, what ever you are today, what ever you have achieved today, who supported you the most? And again the answer is - it's your MIND.

So friends, if you are still reading this line, I bet, it's your mind that is restricting you from getting off from the middle of this article. There is lot lot more to come after this. But, I want to make sure whatever I put in front of you, should have some base and should be liked by you. I'll come up with more such examples soon. But don't forget to like and up-vote this. Mind it! ;)

Thanks... Cheers!

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Cool, thanks for sharing.