Male masturbation in 10 misconceptions

in masturbation •  5 years ago 

If male masturbation is no longer really a taboo, it still holds many mysteries for women. Deciphering the preconceived ideas surrounding this sexual practice with Doctor Pierre Desvaux, andrologist and sexologist.

Some men practice it when they don't have a partner, as compensation. Others practice it throughout their sex life, even when they are in a relationship. Male masturbation makes it possible to fuel the game in the couple's sexuality, and to vary the pleasures . Masturbation is a sexual practice specific to everyone .

For doctor Pierre Desvaux, andrologist and sexologist, "there are two ways to masturbate, one that promotes arousal and libido, the other that only releases tension". If done right, masturbation can help control ejaculation. It can allow men to learn to delay it, and therefore reduce the problems of premature ejaculation.

The sexologist takes stock of the received ideas that still surround male masturbation.

1/10 - Men masturbate compulsively . Men can compulsively masturbate to release tension and relieve stress. This approach to masturbation has no positive effect on libido and the learning of arousal and generally lasts 3, 4 minutes. Men who take the time to masturbate, learn to feel their pleasure, to make it come down when it is too strong. This practice teaches them modulation and allows them to vary the pleasures and make them last. "Some men use masturbation as an apprenticeship," says doctor Pierre Desvaux, andrologist and sexologist.

2/10 - As a couple, masturbation is synonymous with frustration . No, men may need, despite a fulfilling sex life as a couple, to practice masturbation to relax, have fun or relieve stress. "Masturbation has no real reason to stop with the arrival of sex life," explains Dr. Pierre Desvaux. "It is a healthy form of libido expression". There are situations in the couple (displacements, illnesses, difference in sexual appetite) which promotes this sexual practice without there being any discomfort in the couple. This also applies to women .

3/10 - Masturbation harms the couple's relationships . Even if masturbation is not incompatible with a happy and dense sexuality, practiced very frequently, it can be the sign of a frustration to be filled. But, beware, if a man feeds his libido and masturbates frequently with pornographic images, his classic scheme of stimulating his desire may be less effective. "Everything is a question of dosage," recalls the sexologist. The excessive practice of masturbation in front of pornographic images can cause anorgasmia , the absence of orgasm and ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

4/10 - Masturbation allows man to know himself better . Teens discover their sexuality through masturbation. By caressing, they learn how their genitals work, discover their erogenous zones, their desire and their excitement. "Over time, masturbation becomes a privileged moment of fantasies and relaxation, which can last more than half an hour if it is done well" explains Doctor Pierre Desvaux.

5/10 - Masturbation can help complete self-control . Excellent training to raise, lower the pressure and feel the variations of arousal, masturbation is a good way to understand how sex works, the means to maintain a good erection , the limits of arousal. "It can help men delay the time of ejaculation, understand the erotic mechanisms that help maintain a hard erection. During sex, it can allow, if necessary, to regain control," concludes the expert.

6/10 - Masturbation is an excellent preliminary . Masturbation is not necessarily a solitary pleasure, it can be part of the love game . It fits perfectly into sexual relations. Before, after, during, a caress, with the full hand, with the breasts, masturbation makes it possible to raise the excitement, to make contact with the body of his partner, to eroticize it and to communicate. "I never use the word" foreplay"because it implies that masturbation must be practiced before penetration and that there are rules in sexuality" details the sexologist. The love game is built with each sexual relationship, according to two partners and their desires. Rules and diktats have no place in sexuality.

7/10 - Masturbation is an excellent conclusion to sexual intercourse . Indeed, the excitement of men is fueled by images. Masturbation with ejaculation at the end of sexual intercourse is extremely erotic and spooky for the male sex. Seeing the sperm is a strong message in the male brain. Belly, thigh, pubic area, breasts ... Ejaculation from the vagina is a common male fantasy.

8/10 - Masturbation is done with the full hand and very quickly. In fact, masturbation is based on rhythm, contact, dynamics, and pressure. There are 3 or 4 basic masturbatory techniques. A man can caress himself with the full hand, with two hands, with three fingers, with two fingers (like a ring) or with the back of the hand. Each quest for pleasure is unique. During this discovery, men can also use objects, textures, choose their comfort zone (bed, shower, bath) and explore without complex all their erogenous zones (testicles, buttocks, anus, chest ...). The most classic method is that of back and forth. "But some men have adapted to particular contexts and have developed hyper personal techniques of masturbation. The only difficulty is to transpose them into a vagina" explains doctor Pierre Desvaux. "

9/10 - The orgasm obtained with masturbation is different . Indeed, the sexual relationship allows a stronger contact between the two bodies, an investment, availability and sharing. These elements promote a more intense orgasm. "But, it is important to remember that the enjoyment is stronger when the period of arousal is longer. And that the duration of arousal increases the pleasure of orgasm," concludes Dr. Pierre Desvaux.

10/10 - There are sex toys for men . Fortunately, the sex toy market is not just for women. Men also have the right to their intimate gadgets, their masturbation companions. We can therefore find in specialized shops, masturbators (or artificial vaginas) cockrings (ring of pleasure that installs at the base of the penis and regulates the influx of blood) or anal stimulators in specially studied forms (like a female sex toy), which mechanically stimulate the prostate, the " male G-spot " .

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