How Many Triangles Are There?

in mathematics •  9 years ago 

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How many triangles :D

27 triangles

16 small + 6 made of 3, 2 made of 9 + the whole thing = 25

No, try again :)

16 small, 3 made of 9 (one for each corner), and the entire thing. 26?

EDIT: 16 small, 7 made of 4, 3 made of 9, 1 made of 16, so 16+7+3+1=27?

Heck, maybe the one upside makes 27

I count 27.?

26 triangles, unless it is a trick questions base on the background then I would have to add 2 more meaning it would be 28.

Are you kidding? Seriously asking that simplest questions, huh..

there you go: 23 + 3 = 26

No, try again :)

16 of 16
7 of 4
3 of 9
1 of 16
27 Total
