Patterns and routines of human brain in the Matrix world

in matrix •  6 years ago 

Every routine we have serves to give us comfort. Human brain gets used to patterns of life we consider normal. When we know what comes next and what's supposed to be done, a reassuring sensation of safety fills up our being. The brain wants this world to be predictable, and even surprises and adventures that people usually seek don't go beyond the scenario of normality. No one ever wants to face things that break the pattern completely; and if it happens, people usually run from it or end up with the so-called psychological issues of all sorts. For the brain, breaking of the pattern of reality is like damaging the structure of its home. 

There are extreme cases of this of course; remember the film Rainman? Dustin Hoffman's character couldn't bear changing his routines. If he had to watch a television show at 7 in the evening, it HAD to happen. Otherwise, he would panic and start exhibiting extreme anxiety. In the film, such reactions were a part of his condition. Raymond was sick. His brain could solve insane mathematical problems without a calculator in a matter of a second, but it couldn't stand not watching his TV show at 7 PM. 

We think Raymond from the movie is weird. We think we are normal. We ask, how can anyone go mad for not watching a show on time and actually have a physiological collapse that would need hospitalization. But most people fail to see that it's just a matter of severity. I think Raymond is what could be called a "severe case" of what most people have. It's just that for most of us it takes more than skipping a TV show, but it general - every human clings to the routines and patterns for dear life. 

And they are not just patterns of behavior and organization of the environment we live in. They are patterns of out thinking, reacting to stimuli and irritants, emotional responses, and even glorified things such as honor, responsibility, empathy, and love.

It seems that these patterns, habits, and routine ways of thinking, feeling, and organizing one's life are "built in" by a combination of nature and nurture. By the time a person reaches adulthood, they seem to happen automatically, by a familiar scenario of normality and ingrained ideas of how life should be. Yes, people do change ideas, learn to listen to others, accept unfamiliar cultural traits, and become smarter and wiser as they grow... but these are like grains of sand in the ocean. The ocean itself is one big common perception of reality and functioning of the human brain. 

Are patterns bad, then? Is it bad for our brain to feel safe and comfortable? Above I just listed things that most of us consider perfectly normal. So what if there are patterns and we follow them? So what if we get used to a certain environment? What's wrong with the desire to predict what happens next? Isn't it necessary for survival? 

No, patters aren't bad for our brain. Brain loves patterns, scenarios, and predictable things to build on. But here is my dark and uncomfortable question which will sound a bit like a conspiracy theory: "Are you a 100% sure that our brain is completely OURS?" Ta-da-da-da-a-m.... No, I don't want you to go running thinking that now Araksa will write another two pages on the subject of "reptilians who control our world", or annunaks, or whatever else people think is out there (or, rather, HERE). 

It doesn't matter who people think the physical "enemy" is. The reality is that human brain is a very complex and dangerous thing which we, humans, don't understand. Most of the time, we do not consciously control any processes in our brain and body. The truth is, our central nervous system and brain run the show, and we just follow. If you think it's not true, try to defy gravity, stick your hand in boiling water (without getting burns), or attempt to stop your own heartbeat for 5 minutes without any damage to your health. 

Maybe let's try something easier, something non-physical. How about this simple exercise: Choose something that drives you mad and would normally cause you a nervous breakdown. It could be dealing with irritating people, doing unpleasant tasks, getting a job in a place you despise, or engaging in a psychologically challenging activity (like babysitting five 2-year-old babies for the whole three days when you know that children just aren't "your thing"). Do this - any of this - and observe your body and brain. 

Yet another simpler exercise: refuse to follow things you consider normal, necessary, and important. Things that relax you, take your mind off problems, make you feel better. It could be smoking, spending time with a loved one, watching The Game of Thrones every evening, or giving up your favorite pajamas and a pillow you've been clinging on since you were five. Better yet, try giving up 10 or 20 of those things at once, and see how your body and brain reacts. 

Interesting things will happen. And these will be just some grains of sand in the ocean, like I mentioned above. 

Practically every day of every person is filled with thousands of thoughts, feelings, sensations, events, and actions that we aren't conscious about - like waking up in the morning and just automatically doing "normal morning things", like eating breakfast, going to work, thinking about things you usually think about, planning for the weekend, giving an expected phone call to your mother, taking your child to school (saying the same things to him or her, and giving the same kiss on the cheek), having another one of thousands of cups of tea during lunch break, talking to the same people about things you won't remember tomorrow or even one hours later... And the whole world is ASLEEP.

I got up today, and it was so nice outside. It seems like a perfect day, everything: the weather, birds chirping, flowers outside, people strolling down the street, kids going to school with their colorful backpacks... even the sidewalk pavement under my feet felt so good! And as I was walking down the street on this nice pavement, listening to the birds, and catching the warmth of the sun on my cheeks, I realized - again - just how agonizingly NORMAL everything looks. 

No one of us will ever truly want to see beyond all this. It is so perfectly REAL that no one will ever think twice. And if we do, it will end with the next time we get tired and fall asleep, or with the next time we have to deal with something more important. Whenever someone starts seeing a little more than we are supposed to, the system we live in (and our brain is a part of it) will do anything to bring us back. 

There are ways, though. 

 ~ ~ ~

For more thoughts on the brain and the System, read Children of the System and Personal Freedom 

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Lol this reminds me of the movie Revolver.

Let me ask you a question regarding your question, what would you consider as substantial proof that your brain is your brain, or more precisely, that the thoughts you are aware of, are your own?


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Yes! Revolver is a great film, I think. And very practical.

To answer your question... I think it will take me lots of practice to know that for sure. One of the people I trust said something along these lines once: “If you want to develop further and to know the reality as it is, you must think so hard that your head will hurt”. He meant it literally - to think physically, intensely, so that one could end up with headaches and nose bleeds... (and this is not my advice for anyone; I am NOT responsible for your health, folks!)

For now I know for sure that more often than not my brain does things that I don’t control - from random thoughts to some dreams and automatic processes in the body. When will it be MINE... well, if I can easily control my own heartbeat to the point where I can play dead - like ninjas used to do - maybe ) Or if I can control my own hormones and the way they work in my body.

Also, there is this practical approach to figure out if something we think or believe in is real or an illusion (It comes from the martial arts I study)

Take anything - an idea, a life principle, a particular belief one holds as truth... anything at all. Take that one idea or affirmation, hold it in your mind (only it, nothing else - which is by itself a great challenge), focus on it... and then, while doing it, perform some extremely intense and demanding physical activity for a long time. It has to be done beyond one’s supposed physical limits. Like running 20 miles non-stop when you normally run just 3 or 4... Supposedly, if that one idea or affirmation is true, real, or close to the truth, or truly belongs to You (and is not imposed on you by the system) - after all this it will stay the same.

If it changes, goes away, becomes unimportant, or feels alien, ridiculous, or wrong... then it was an illusion.

The more control the victim thinks he has, the less control he actually has

What are the three rules to any game?

The point of my question, which can be raised to your 20 mile endure the truth, is why do you think that a sophisticated opponent would not make you think that you are in control?

In other words, why do you think (wink) that there is any kind of contrast that you could possibly hold to affirm that "this is me"? I know the ultimate contrast which has no way of being faked/manipulated/tweened/tweaked/practiced/seen/felt/heard/voiced ;).

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What's the ultimate contrast?

I think it will be years before I can truly say "this is me")

No, I don't have a sure answer for sure. I cannot name any truth out there or in my own head with a 100% certainty... Or, even if I do so, I can never know how long it will hold its state of being true. I think it's something beyond what we can describe in words or explain by human means. It lies in the area of "silent knowledge" (in terms of Carlos Castaneda and others). Knowledge without any explanations and rational or spiritual descriptions. But then again, one has to be careful (the so-called spiritual world is also full of lies)

The more control the victim thinks he has, the less control he actually has

That's the same about illusions, yes... What we consider Normal and rational can be the most elaborate illusion. The greatest illusion will look and feel completely normal.

Who is the opponent. To me, this whole system is the opponent, but not even... because it's like facing and trying to fight a million agents Smiths and just regular people and life processes that surround us 24/7. The main "opponent" though is me, my own weaknesses and this "system" in me as well. Can it make me think I am in control of my life, my happiness, my thinking, my feelings, etc? Yes, definitely. Especially with the help of all these mainstream "teachings" and philosophies for better life, mental health, happy relationships, and reaching your goals. There are so many of them now and supposedly they all try to make people "better", but they are also a part of this system and don't go beyond its very strict limits and borders

Those of us who are into mainstream "self-development", meditation, mindfulness, and such... I am sorry to say this, but I believe it is just another type of human farm herd... that just feels and looks a bit more hopeful and pleasant and "nice"

What makes things seem real, waking or dreaming? What remains in the absence of world or dreams?

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In Russian, we have a word for it that I can translate as "nothing", "emptiness", or "void". Nothing, from which everything can be produced or born. It sounds like a contradiction and a paradox, but there it is. I have seen/felt it, but only briefly... It's a "place" of silent knowledge, but it doesn't give all the answers automatically (just because we somehow managed to get there and experience it). We've got to have the keys (highly developed physical body is one of them, for example. Being psychologically strong - another, otherwise a person might go mad).

Also, I could say that in the absence of everything we know remains the Source (some call it "god", but I don't mean any religious description or understanding of god), and we all can be it or a part of it.

But at this point all this ^ is philosophy and theory rather than practice. Lots of people seem to know about the Source (Absolute), about their own nature and potential, about the "Matrix", about the state of the world we live in, etc. BUT - looking at all these people, at all of us... do we live and practice what we supposedly "know"?

I haven't met many people who live up to their own beliefs, morals, or philosophical discussions. It all usually ends when one has to go eat, drink, take care of their loved ones, or make more money to survive bills and debts. Sometimes it ends with a mere physical discomfort of any sort ) Like "oh, I'm all into fighting the Matrix and developing my superpowers, but now I have to go lay down because I have a headache. Let's continue this battle when I feel a bit better/less sleepy/more in the mood" :D

By the way, in no way I will claim all of the above as ultimate "truth" since I am only a practitioner. The next minute everything I know or experience may change.

In the absence of nothingness, void, emptiness, what remains? Being aware is our singular mode, we are what remains.

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I can not argue with that, but I cannot prove it, either. I would love it to be so, but... I cannot afford to believe something just because I like it.

I have seen (not with my physical eyes) people being erased. To remain where nothing else is, a being must truly exist. I cannot tell how many people truly ARE here. And yes, I know it sounds crazy ))

Cool pic by the way)) Although I can’t see in my phone screen right now... if it’s a knife in your mouth and you are in a sleeping bag?!

No, a hatchet, and yes.

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If you haven't read Jean Baudrilard, I highly recommend Simmulacra and Simulations.

The greatest thing about the world is how you choose to approach it. If you do so with child like wonder, it gives back. If you try to determine why something does something else, physical systems and mechanisms unravel themselves.

The real magic happens outside of that. Talking to a stranger, falling over, or sleeping in.

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Thanks, I will check it out. I don’t remember reading anything of his (but I should have, with my anthropology degree 😬)

If you get around to reading some of it, I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on his thoughts.
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