
in matrix •  last year 

The fate of my Discord server rests on the poll, first to 300 thumbs up or 300 thumbs down will determine who will govern that group into the future, those who help their side reach 300 will be given more power in my server to rule, first to 300 is the winner, destiny awaits. Tucker Carlson asked Javier Milei why the Pope, who is from Argentina, supports leftists who support murder. Javier said the Pope should answer that question himself. The Vatican system has been deleting history for centuries globally, they run around stealing historical items.

Jan6 delayed the false certification of the 2021 Biden Selection Not Election by a few hours but the intent of Jan6 was to delay it by 10 days by going back to the states for a recount, the fake news won't tell you Jan6 only wanted a recount.

Those birds are more aggressive than Russell Brand or am I totally off based on that? Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider Lara Croft. Women want to be her. Men want to be with her.

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