People are enamored with the mysterious. There are things we simply can't explain. However, we are told by government a version of events that allows us to resolve this dissonance and move on with our lives completely unaware of the deception usually hidden right in front of our eyes.
I'll start with the pyramids. Government history books along with many others teach us that slaves built the pyramids. But they fail miserably to address questions many archaeologists ask like how did they cut the stones? How did the lift the stones? How were they so accurate with the geometrical calculations required to construct them in the locations they did? And on and on. These mysteries are a part of why the Ancient Aliens show is so popular. However, because their conclusions eventually lead people astray, the government is ok with it. If the conclusions were true, it wouldn't be on national TV.
Many people have the government version of stories ingrained in their head from early on. They are simply unaware of their incomplete timelines and facts. We first have to show people in any context we can that almost all of what they know is either false or incomplete.
Sometimes all it takes is showing a person the numerous lies told and waste produced by government to convince someone that government and their current reality is fraudulent. Many times though it requires a fundamental paradigm shift, which is a 100% spiritual event. Many times people have to have their entire make believe world burned before they are open to seeing anything else.
This is where these ancient texts come in. It shows clearly how mankind has been manipulated and deceived for thousands of years. But because we don't know the true history, this make believe history repeats itself over and over.
What if I told you that the original government of the ancient Israelites was a tempered form of anarchy and that YHWH told them the consequences of choosing an earthly king over Him?
What if I told you that other ancient texts describe mankind was a slave race to mine gold for the rulers?
What if I told you that early explorers like Magellan wrote of giants in South America? What if I told you that there was a giant killed in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom? What if I told you that almost every culture speaks of giants? Where is the evidence? It is all around you in the mysteries like the pyramids and other ancient megaliths across the world.
What if I told you that they are finding pyramids under water all over the world, for example in Alaska?
What if I asked you where Himalayan salt comes from? How did sea water flood the Himalayans to produce salt?
There are many more questions, but the point here is not so much the question, but why do you believe what the answer is?
Many people are asleep. They are in a TV induced hypnotic trance. They are comfortable in their false reality. That being the case, how do you reach someone deeply tied to this matrix? We cannot simply yank them out of it for they will resist. We cannot shout "wakeup" and expect them to come out of their trance. So what do we do?
We have to show them that their reality, no matter how bad they want it to be, is not real. Telling them is useless. Arguments and debates have little effect. You have to ask questions that they will not have answers for because their reality provides no explanations. These questions amount to showing them the bending spoon. If you recall, the spoon is bent with the mind, not by force. This is an information war. Facts and research are your weapons with truth as your goal.
Sure they will still fight you. For a while. But when they realize that they have no alternative but to abandon their false reality for the truth, they will experience the paradigm shift of bending the spoon.