"This is known as quantum mechanics and is the natural law of quantum physics in the universe known as the Light Encoded Reality Matrix or LERM."
"LERM, which is an acronym for Light Encoded Reality Matrix, is an advanced physics concept that describes how the organic supercomputer we know of as the human brain is capable of focusing intentions so intensely that photons of light are pulled together from the very fiber of the universe to create the object of your desire."
"Isolating any of the elements contained within the Light-Encoded Reality Matrix, and changing it, it can change reality."
"Fifteen has successfully proven this all-pervasive consciousness or what he calls the Light-Encoded Reality Matrix or LERM, for those of us who like shorthand. Anyway, LERM is just one of the new theorems that were required in order to devise a way to prove that BST was indeed a possibility, and not just a fanciful vision inside the mind of Fifteen.”
"And like an ecosystem, if you change one element you affect the whole. Isolating any of the elements contained within LERM, and changing it, it can change reality. And this is a fundamental construct of BST"
"They tried and failed at thousands of different experiments until they found the existence of LERM"
"LERM is essentially an infinite field of possibilities or, as Aristotle referred to it, Potentia. This Potentia is like fertile soil from which physical objects are created. Those who can orchestrate LERM through the application of their consciousness are able to manifest reality and not simply react to it. This manifestation can be instantaneous because again, quantum objects originate in non-time and non-space…”
"all of the members of the Labyrinth Group can manifest physical objects from out of LERM. This was actually one of the outcomes of Fifteen’s discovery. The process of orchestrating LERM and manifesting physical objects on demand.”
"For purposes of those reading these transcripts. Dr. Neruda just made a ball of twine appear out of nowhere. He just made it disappear as well. Now it has reappeared again. This is incredible. He’s not holding it, so it’s not like a magician who’s making this appear from his sleeve or from behind his hands somehow. It’s quite literally appearing and disappearing on a table about three feet in front of him, which is about six feet away from me. I can see it all very clearly.
“I’m picking up the ball of string and it’s definitely a physical object… not simply a mirage or… or hologram. It has all the normal properties… weight… texture… it’s slightly warm to the touch, but in every other respect, it’s exactly how I’d expect a ball of twine to feel."
“You would need to come to the Labyrinth Group’s research facility in Southern California. It’s the only place in the world where I can show you the indisputable evidence of LERM.”