Zero Recall Glitch

in matrixglitch3866 •  4 years ago 

Zero Recall Glitch

So, this is possibly my strangest glitch I've experienced...and I've had a few. It literally just happened and I'm feeling baffled.

I do home dialysis (which makes me bada$$, just saying), and I just finished a treatment. I was doing my coming off routine, and I noticed that I could hear the radio clearly, which I hadn't been able to a few moments earlier because of the machines being on. In this moment I realized that my machines were now turned off. I was still not finished the ending of my treatment routine, and I've been doing home dialysis for almost a decade so I have a very set routine. I do not get up to turn things off until I'm finished because I need to keep my dialysis access sterile until I've finished my routine.

I thanked my housemate for turning off the machines, feeling a bit confused because I didn't remember her getting up to do it. She said, "You did it," and I just got huge cognitive dissonance because I had zero memory of the machines being turned off. I'm quite certain if I had done it I would have remembered because it's completely different behaviour than my usual habits, AND I had needed to grab a supply I'd forgotten from nearby and had been SUPER aware of what I was doing because I needed to keep my access sterile, like I mentioned. I have literally no memory of the machines being turned off...and I have a very good memory...have never had anything like this happen before in my 32 years.## TLDR Summary:

I do not get up to turn things off until I'm finished because I need to keep my dialysis access sterile until I've finished my routine. I was still not finished the ending of my treatment routine, and I've been doing home dialysis for almost a decade so I have a very set routine. I have literally no memory of the machines being turned off...and I have a very good memory...have never had anything like this happen before in my 32 years. She said, "You did it," and I just got huge cognitive dissonance because I had zero memory of the machines being turned off. I do home dialysis (which makes me bada$$, just saying), and I just finished a treatment. I thanked my housemate for turning off the machines, feeling a bit confused because I didn't remember her getting up to do it. In this moment I realized that my machines were now turned off.

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