WWBHSASH? — What Would Bill Hicks Say About Sandy Hook?: Part Two — by Hugh Mungus

in matryoshka •  7 years ago 


So, we have this free spaceship — known as Earth — that was pre-assembled when we got here. Strangely enough, we humans are hellbent on obliterating it. Fuckin' insanity, when you comprehend we have no back-up craft, should this one become unusable. We treat this planet like we've another one to escape to.

Would it make sense to exit your car every time you stopped at a red light, and beat on it with a sledge hammer?

Obviously not, but producing plutonium — one of the most virulent substances known to man — and burying it in your basement is a fantastic idea!

How long do you think Earth — being a living entity — will tolerate our attempted decimation of it? How many thermonuclear detonations can we perpetrate on it? How many species can we render extinct, before the planet decides it's time to wipe us out?

If you hadn't yet considered the Earth a living being, ponder why grass grows on it. If this planet isn't alive, how come millions of species live, thanks to its perpetual ecosystem?

Earth will only endure the human race's endeavored destruction of it for so long, until it decides it's had enough, and obliterates us — spending less exertion doing so than you would scratching an itch.

Humans are a minor nuisance to this planet, but one can't tolerate that slight pain too long before resolving the problem.

The mentally challenged can only watch so many Internet videos of dancing dogs and people pretending their babies are special, before this Universe concludes there's no point keeping us around.

As usual, that gosh danged monetary system is our undoing here. The Earth is continually raped — forests obliterated, soil farmed until it's not usable, etc. — for the sake of accumulating pesky strips of meaningless fabric called cash. No mind is paid to the destruction fracking wreaks on the planet, so long as somebody amasses money in the process. Decimating the foundation of your house, so you can dementedly believe you're the owner of it, is as stupid as autographing a hockey puck with a black ink pen.

By the powers we allow to be, we're constantly told there's scarcity of resources on Earth. Such is a lie, and an easily provable one at that.

Why would the government falsely inform us there's a shortage of raw materials on our temporary home? Simple: They want us scared, so we support a monetary system, buying and hoarding as many resources as possible, out of fear. Remember, as long as there's money, these fuckers have the optimal tool with which to control us.

Mainstream media — a propaganda arm of the government — indoctrinates us into believing humans are running out of potable water on the planet. Over 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in this life-sustaining liquid — of which oceans comprise the majority. Hence, we're being sold a bill of goods.

"But wait," you shout. "We can't drink sea water! Its salt content is too high!"

One word: desalination.

Desalination plants have existed for years. These facilities are the solution to the fake water shortage governments predict, while secretly purchasing aquifers in preparation to charge you insane fees for drinkable H2O.

Asserting there's no answer to overcoming imminent water scarcity is like standing before a herd of cows, informing folks we've nothing to eat.

Obviously, desalination plants transmogrifying sea water are best positioned along coastlines. It's calculated, in order to provide all of present humanity with drinkable H2O — using ocean reserves — one would need enough facilities to cover roughly 8.5 percent of the planet's shores. That's nothing! Rather than producing bombs to "protect" ourselves from enemies that don't exist, why aren't we pursuing such easily attainable goals?

Governments inform us we may run out of wood, due to our species' rapid population growth, and its innate need for shelter. So stop building houses out of this resource for a while, and construct them from something else, until trees thrive again in abundance. It's not like these solutions require concentrated cogitation to arrive at!

How often have you questioned why you're here? There must be some reason for you, and what you're doing.

Many mainstream scientists paraded before the public, by the powers we allow to be, would have you believe otherwise. These "authorities" — who have never been anywhere in the known Universe but this planet — often assert humans on Earth are an aberration. Seems about as wrong as buying a pair of gloves for a guy with no hands.

First, when somebody contends there is no higher power, have them gaze over the landscape. Ask them if they could create that terrain, let alone the whole planet, and everything naturally occurring on it. Have them glance at the Sun or the Moon, inquiring as to whether they could produce such celestial bodies. Point to the plethora of stars viewable on a clear evening. Would they be able to make the above? Obviously not. Most people find it difficult to text without misspelling half the words they use. How could they possibly create a Universe?!

Thus, we have proof of a higher power, or powers. This is irrefutable with logic. Some force, or forces — more capable than you, or anybody you know — produced the environment in which we exist.

Does such mean whatever created all this is a god, or gods?


The word god is primitive. You can ascribe it to cargo cults, * or those ignorant of who, or what, made this Universe. Cargo cults are archaic cultures, somehow separated from the preponderance of society — which has technologically developed. This separation often occurs thanks to a tremendous distance — typically an ocean — between the advanced culture, and the underdeveloped. As such, the more basic society has no idea the more progressive exists.

  • Cargo cult:


One day, for whatever reason, the mechanized culture visits the primitive. In the process, the former bequeaths applied science to the latter. This technology seems like magic to the underdeveloped society. Suddenly, there's an infusion of new gadgets making existence easier. Things are great; prospects are exciting; and then the advanced civilization departs. As such, the primeval group are left without modern amenities to which they'd become accustomed.

Hence, the more basic people do everything within their limited scope to bring the more advanced back. Such solicitation often comes in the form of erecting statues to honor the mechanized culture. The hope here is the developed society — whom these primitives consider gods — will see the tokens of appreciation, and return, bringing more gifts.

An example of a cargo cult would be the John Frum sect. ** During World War II, and for some time after, the indigenous people of Melanesia — a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean — were exposed to more modern societies. Amidst this time, Allied and Japanese forces waged their battles in the backyard of this string of atolls. As a result, copious quantities of provisions — canned food, guns, medical supplies, etc. — were airdropped into this region. These goods were often shared with locals, who hadn't known — let alone interacted with — more contemporary cultures.

** John Frum:


When Americans and Japanese departed, the Melanesians were left wondering where these "gods" had gone. Hence, they built sculptures in the shape of airplanes, in order to woo the return of these "deities."

When viewing this Universe as an immense cosmic ocean, we observe a case of the matryoshka — or Russian nesting doll. *** These hollow figurines are of the same shape, but varying size. Thus, one doll fits perfectly within the previous, whilst another of smaller dimensions resides within it, and so on. From the viewpoint of the tiniest doll within the set, the next larger doll is all-encompassing, and hence a god. However, there's another doll larger, and more comprehensive, than it. This trend continues, so long as there are bigger renditions of dolls with which to surround the others.

*** Matryoshka doll:


It becomes obvious humanity is adrift on a remote island — known as Earth — far away from other inhabited atolls, and lacking the mental capacity to explore these archipelagos. Hence, those with the capability to travel such vast distances, and reach us, may be viewed in high esteem. In the matryoshka scenario, they may be the Russian doll one size larger than our own figurine. Perhaps we even see these entities as gods.

How many billions of people worship false deities — Christ, Mohammed, Yahweh — who could have been examples of technologically advanced societies visiting our archaic species here on Earth?

In this Universe, humanity may be a cargo cult, although most of us arrogantly choose to believe otherwise. We can hoist our versions of tributary statues — churches, crosses, effigies of Christ, etc. — in the hopes our "gods" will return to save us, but why don't we take matters into our own hands? Could that be what our plight is all about? Proving our species worthy of a place in this cosmic neighborhood, rather than being a suicidal, blood-thirsty menace not only to other lifeforms, but also ourselves? Currently, we possess the capacity to save our kind from extinction. In a logical society, shouldn't that be one's first concern?

Hold up. Parks and Recreation is on, isn't it? Guess this whole keeping humanity — which includes you — from being annihilated thing will have to wait.



Berkowitz, Matt; Joseph, Peter; McLeish, Ben. (2014). The Zeitgeist Movement Defined: Realizing a New Train of Thought. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1495303195


"I actually resent the fact that I'm gonna get judged someday. [...] That doesn't even make any sense. It's like, 'Dude, you made me, so this is your fuck-up, alright? Let's not try to turn this around on me.' "

— Bill Burr *

  • Bill Burr:

Religion is more bizarre than being allergic to corn — and thus never eating it — but one day finding kernels of it in your stool.

How does a character — in this case Jesus Christ — claim to be dying for your salvation one minute, and tossin' out a quote like that below, the next:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

And how about this little gem from our purported savior:

"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me […]."

Well that doesn't sound at all like the demented ramblings of a paranoid cult leader bent on control.

What about this timeless classic, once again supposedly from Big Daddy Christ:

"For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.' "

Like an abusive husband, the hits just keep on comin', don't they?

The New Testament is so replete with insanity, there are only two options:

  1. Either people calling themselves Christians, and professing to have read this book, are lying — and isn't lying one of those mini-sins Christ hates? — or

  2. Christians have pored over this blatant lunacy, and believe it…which would mean they, themselves, are lunatics.

If some random person attested he spent 72 hours inside a giant fish, and lived to talk about it, would you believe him?

No fucking way!

Yet, you're cool with Jesus babbling that:

"For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

The New Testament appears more full of shit than a plugged-up toilet.

I'm not opposed to anybody believing what they want. What sticks in my craw is adherence to ideologies — like religion — that have a history of mass murder and torture. If you wanna follow unhinged, innocuous philosophies, go for it. When you support dogmas that separate and slaughter people, don't expect me to remain silent.

Continuing our trip through the Lamest Story Ever Sold, let's stop at — close your eyes and throw a dart; you're bound to hit something ridiculous — the annoying fact Jesus continually spoke in parables. Allegedly, he almost refused to do otherwise.

If you met someone on the street, asked for directions, and he spouted off irritating fables, wouldn't you wanna crucify him, too?

Here's an example:

"Hey! How's it goin'? Nice robes! Uh, I'm lost and my GPS isn't working. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?"

" 'Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?' "

"Uh, sure…maybe in a lower rent district—"

" 'Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.' "

"What the fuck's my dad got to do with—?"

" 'And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered.' "

"So I'm goin' bald, douche bag! What if I get outta this car and give you a taste of my hairless fist—?!"

" 'So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.' "

At that point, the ass kicking would probably commence.

The above are continuous quotes from Jesus, via Matty 10:29 through 10:31.

Because they make less sense than opening a shaved ice stand in the Arctic, if you hadn't read them in the Bible, you might have assumed they were rambled off by an escaped mental patient.

Speaking of dubious dialogue, why is Jesus constantly prefacing his pronouncements with the phrase "I tell you the truth."? If someone continuously informed you they were being honest — to the point it became aggravating — wouldn't you deduce they were a liar?

When you converse with somebody, it's just assumed you're being candid. Having to assure people such is the case once seems sketchy enough; dozens of times, and you deservedly lose credibility.

Example one:

"I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town."

Example two:

"I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

Example three:

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Let's get loose, and see what bizarre notions this book — which outsells any other — has folks all atwitter.

In Matty 15:32, Jesus asserts:

"It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."

Sure it is! What if the kids are full, or insanely fat, and the dogs are starving to death?

This J.C. quote never fails to warm one's heart:

"If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."

So, we're no longer "loosing"?

The above is proof the words of Jesus Christ were written by mortal men. An omniscient deity would know human physiology, and be aware of the fact nobody's eyes nor hands cause them to do anything. Whatever action these body parts engage in are determined by the brain.

Hence, if you wanna amputate appendages that cause you to sin, you have to start and end with the head — where the brain is located. This is a physical fact people existing between 1,700 and 2,000 years ago would probably not have known.

Additionally, if you've sinned, what's the point in chopping your hand off, or pulling your eye out? You've already transgressed. No reset button. Now, just to make matters ten trillion times worse, you're going to excruciatingly remove one of your crucial body parts?!

Moreover, how does cutting off your hand pardon you of your sin?! The obvious answer is, it doesn't! You've still perpetrated whatever act Jesus finds so deplorable. Now, you're gonna go through the rest of your life with one hand and one eye?! What the fuck's the matter with you? Do you hate yourself?

Imagine the number of idiots who have taken this parable literally.

Boston Corbett — the man who killed John Wilkes Booth — cut off his own testicles with scissors, due to the above Jesus quote from Matty 5:29. Corbett had been so enticed by prostitutes, he was fearful his desires would cause him to sin, and thus self-surgically amputated his own huevos to appease J.C. For more information regarding this — one of innumerable, outlandish historical footnotes — feel free to peruse the Unraveled 2 blog. **

** Unraveled 2: When the Fabric of "Reality" Rips to Shreds:


If you're of the mindset the above self-mutilation is an isolated case, guess again. The number of folks who've hacked off their own body parts because Christ told them to do so, has got to be prodigious.

An acquaintance — an Emergency Medical Technician — informed me he responded to a call at a church one day. Arriving on scene, he followed a copious trail of blood that led him to a man whose right arm had been amputated at the elbow. The injured individual was holding his severed limb with his remaining hand. Across the room, a circular saw — dripping in hunks of flesh and crimson bodily fluid — now lay dormant.

According to the victim — who was strangely cognizant — he'd cut off his arm after Christ told him to do so. A brainwashing casualty of Matty 5:29? At that point, who cares?! You're suddenly minus a major body part, with only yourself to blame. Whether you believe Jesus told you to perpetrate this mutilation in some fucked-up gospel, or via voices in your head, your existence is now adversely changed.

Not all J.C.'s quotes are so potentially perfidious to humans; some are just stupid.

For example, take the following:

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them."

Actually, all kinds of birds store things in barns. These things are referred to as nests, and five year old kids comprehend this. How come Jesus — an alleged all-knowing entity — didn't?

Moreover, numerous species of birds gather food, and also store that in their nests.

And who can overlook the blatant misogyny ubiquitous in the New Testament, as well as the Old? You're less likely to see a double header in NHL hockey — featuring the same two teams — than you are to find women treated fairly in the Bible. Why should Jesus — our main character — break tradition? As such, direct from the man himself:

"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery."

What in the holy fuck—?!

You divorce some chick, and as a result, she perpetrates adultery?! I'll bet everything I have — which is pretty much my dong and some memories — whoever wrote the above quote had a pair of balls, a Y chromosome and non-milk-producing nipples.

Yet another Jesus quote, leading one to deduce healthy teeth are more prevalent in the deep south than intelligence was in the head of the author of this gem:

"Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

Wrong again. Good trees yield bad fruit all the time. Who hasn't picked a rotten apple? Shit left out in the elements is bound to go bad after a while.

And who doesn't believe in talking clouds?! One would be a fool not to! Millions of photographs, tens of thousands of videos, innumerable testimonies from pilots, air traffic controllers, government officials, astronauts and scientists validating the veracity of UFOs of an otherworldly nature. Still, a prodigious portion of the populace don't believe in unidentified flying enigmas of intelligent, non-human design. That said, a number of these same folk have no doubt a fuckin' cloud said the following to Peter in the Bible:

"This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"

Who wouldn't want to read the timeless tale of Joseph — Jesus' cuckold dad — to their children? Joseph, who refused to have sex with his future bride Mary during her pregnancy — as was traditional, thanks to a Christian mandate — after a guy named God knocked her up. Joseph, a caring husband-to-be who considered having his wife stoned to death — also customary, due to a Christian decree — upon determining she'd become pregnant by another.

What does any of this have to do with saving humanity?

Not a fuckin' thing.

Keeping humans from becoming extinct on this planet would, of course, denote a discussion of vertical farming, so people in the future don't starve to death. Perhaps a transitioning from nuclear and fossil fuel — for pending generations — to clean, safe energy sources, so we don't all die from cancer. Of course, such isn't mentioned in the Bible.

Instead, we get some soap opera about a potential wife who became pregnant without having sex, and her naive husband, who stuck by her while she popped out someone else's kid. That's beneficial in stopping those Earthbound asteroids from exterminating our species on this planet?!

More lunacy, this time from Matthew 3:16:

"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.' "

What the above tells us is that Jesus saw his own spirit, and spoke to himself — since the Bible elucidates Jesus isn't solely God's son, but also God. And you thought fine print on insurance contracts was confusing. In current society, folks asserting to see their own spirits, and spending excessive time conversing with themselves, are often locked away in mental institutions.

In Matthew 3:8, the devil:

"took [Jesus] to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 'All this I will give to you,' he said, 'if you will bow down and worship me.'

Jesus said to him, 'Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' "

If Jesus is God, and God created everything, why would the devil tempt Jesus with Jesus' own creation?!

What's more, if you produced this entire Universe, why would you be enticed by meager strips of land, on a speck of dust, in an immense cosmic ocean — all of which you own?!

Mind you, I haven't even finished breaking down the Gospel of Matthew. If I did take this baby to term, I'd also expose the Gospels of Mark, Luke and Juan. Luckily, all these portions of the New Testament center around the same story; i.e. Jesus' fictitious life on Earth, his nonsensical teachings, his death — thankfully — and resurrection.

Hence, I don't have to cut a path through Mark, Luke and John. If I did, you'd probably be swallowing the barrel of a handgun by now, or pouring milk in a bowl filled with sleeping pills, spoon in hand.

I apologize for the laborious nature of all this, but I didn't write the New Testament; I just struggled to read it, on the verge of sucking a tailpipe with every painful word.

So, Jesus purportedly speaks to the masses in what's termed the Sermon on the Mount. Part of this oratory — Matthew 5:9 — goes like this:

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

The above means all presidents are damned to Hell. You don't order wars, force people to fight each other, and proliferate weapons manufacturing, yet still refer to yourself as a peacemaker. Moreover, all soldiers — according to the above decree — are doomed, as well. You don't carry a loaded gun to work, prepared to murder on command, and still call yourself someone who pledges amity.

In Matthew 6 through 6:3, Jesus states:

"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Shortly after asserting the above, Jesus embarks on J.C.: The Middle Eastern Tour. During this interim, he heals a bunch of sick folk, causes paralyzed people to walk again, and rids dudes of demons — all, almost invariably, in front of colossal crowds. Criss Angel might as well have hired on as Christ's opening act, as the two could have performed to sold-out arenas.

In Matthew 6:9, Jesus lays down the rules:

"This, then, is how you should pray:

'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' "

If God's omniscient, what's the point in praying at all? It's not as though he, she or it is going to change its mind because you — a speck of dust in the scheme of things — came to a personal revelation it hadn't considered. According to Christianity, we're talkin' God here — the all-knowing who has contemplated everything. Thus, you would accomplish more — however adverse — by jacking-off into the wind, and severing your sinful hand afterward, than by praying.

Jesus declares:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

If he already knows what you need, what's the fuckin' point in asking?! Isn't it a waste of time? Then again, that's what the Bible is all about: wasting time, while evil — the powers we allow to be — slaughter us in droves.

Since God knows what you need, it doesn't matter what you ask him for. He already has his mind set on what he's givin' ya'. If you believe you can change that, then you think you know better than God. At that point, billions of Christians will condemn you for being an arrogant blasphemer. But wait, it's the Christians who are asking God for stuff in the first place, so they'd be condemning themselves. Circuitous insanity, isn't it?

So, we shouldn't spend a protracted period praying? Guess the Missionaries of Charity — Mother Teresa's cult, who pray for hours every day — negated to read this portion of the New Testament.

What's more, there's no difference between praying and begging. The two are synonymous in the dictionary. ** If you have to continually beg a higher power for things, you're in a master/slave relationship. You'll always be groveling, and that's one sorry-ass excuse for an existence.

** Beg:


What's the point in continuing this diatribe? If you've read this far, and haven't already acknowledged the New Testament is unexpurgated insanity, subterfuge and a tool for control, you never will. I can continue this obvious expose of such, but as Thomas Paine stated in The Age of Reason:

"What is it the Bible teaches us? — Rapine, cruelty, and murder. What is it the Testament teaches us? — To believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married; and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.

As to the fragments of morality that are irregularly scattered in those books, they [...] are the natural dictates of conscience, and the bonds by which society is held together, and without which it cannot exist [...]. The Testament teaches nothing new on this subject [...]."

In short, if you don't inherently understand that it's cruel and detrimental to murder, rape and steal, then you're a psychopath. And psychopaths are folks anyone would do their best to steer clear of.

If you require a couple thousand page tome to elucidate these facts I just imparted in two sentences, then there's a serious problem with that publication, as well.

Like Paine, I hunger to read something else — something of value to humanity. Hence, I'm closing the book on the Bible — New Testament and Old.



Life Application Study Bible: "NIV" New International Version. (1984). Tyndale House Publishers and Zondervan, Inc. ISBN: 0310941466

Paine, Thomas. (2006). The Age of Reason (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading). Barnes & Noble. ISBN: 9780760778951

The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here at Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]

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