Be careful what you wish for! The Matthew Perry story? You decide! Are you a targeted individual? Are You the Black Sheep of your family? Here is WHY!

in matthewperry •  11 months ago  (edited)

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After all of this had a relapse with drugs two years later?

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Even through his frustration with God, did he believe God saved His life many times for a purpose?

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Why didn't anyone else in Hollywood, the music industry or other illustrious venues and entities come forward to help with this program meant to assist a hurting humanity?

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Matthew stated that when he died, he didn't want Friends to be the first thing others mentioned, but rather that he helped others and he wanted to live the rest of his life proving that.

Is this how you or others feel when one tries to fill the emptiness, hurt and pain with more and more and more of. . .
WHATEVER including that which one Knows is Not good for them?

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Doesn't sinning or doing things that lower one's vibration promise that it will make you feel better and feel happier?
It likely does at times for a period, but when it has to be done over and over again, or when one relies on putting on a SHOW for others and trying to give people a false perception. . .at some point won't it all COLLAPSE?

These people that really on keeping up the facade, require More and MOre and MORE to do so.
Whether it be more lies, more drinking, more partying, more targeting others, more bullying in an attempt to bring others down to make themselves feel better or abusing and stomping on others to get their fix, or taking advantage of others by taking what isn't theirs or not admitting to wrongdoing and taking the credit for something they did not do. ..or telling someone else when they don't do things their way or like them that the person they are targeting is less than and there is something wrong with them.
Remember the verse?
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
Remember when I told you the upside down would be celebrated?
Do you have someone or a few someone's who celebrate those who are portraying evil and when you stand up against the wrong in Truth, they flip it upside down and say those who have demonstrated good are the evil ones and accusing YOU of doing what THEY are doing?

This was prophesied by Jesus for the Chosen!
Luke 12:53 KJV
The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Matthew 10:34-37 KJV
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

I feel I always struggled to put this into words, but more and more people are coming out doing this Very Well!
He was one of my articles from a few years back as I am the Black Sheep of extended family that treats me as an outcast unless I allow them to trample on my rights and ignore truth.

Hear where many are stating right out, these people who bully and target you, then get others to mock and side with their evil. . .they play a ROLE to try to make sure you do not Know Who you really are and that you were chosen to Bring the Light!

This is why they mock, sneer and try to put you down due to the spirit that resides in you.
The spirit that is within them does not reside with the spirit that is in you!

Jesus stated He did not come to bring Peace, but the Sword and Division! Jesus the Greatest Rebel! Enemy wants you to think He was weak, He wasn't! He defied the Establishment Constantly! Why some family and friends have turned against you?

Help if you are one of the chosen and targeted!
You have sensed it since birth as something in their spirit did not resonate with the Spirit inside of you!

‼ CHOSEN ONES You Were Targeted Since Birth...

Chosen Ones | People Hate You Because Naturally Humble People


Chosen Ones➡️Why They ALWAYS Test Your Gangsta’‍♀️Yet Fail MISERABLY

Phil In The Blanks | Ep 172 | Navigating Narcissism

Especially from 24:55 up through 36:00 in the above clip
I know I can identify with the constant bully in my life who manipulates and feigns to be someone else after viciously attacking and trying to tell me what I need to do.
How about you all?

Check it out! #PhilInTheBlanks, #DrPhil
Does your abusive, narcissistic bully whether in your family, work place or elsewhere think they and their brood are all that?
Do they have the Spirit of Jezebel always boasting, bragging, partying and posting selfies to elevate themselves in the fake realm of "look at me?"
Do they pontificate constantly while stabbing those in the back who do the real work?
Do they count on those they abuse and target to Never Tell?
Do they attempt to silence you about their abuse?
Phil In The Blanks | Ep 173 | Navigating Narcissism pt 2: Gaslighting And The Covert Narcissist Pt2

5 Signs You Are a Chosen One | all chosen one's must watch this

Chosen Ones -The Real Reason They Hate You So Much..

When a narcissist makes other people mean to you,this is what you have to do

Clutter as a Trauma response After Narcissistic Abuse

5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

10 Shocking Stories of Narcissistic Abuse Survivors REVEALED!

This is what two people in my family did to me, they joined together because they both justify the lies of the other then they both sneak attacked me with a lie that they were surprising me with the one known to be the abuser.
The person being protected and enabled in my family takes extreme pleasure in manipulating the elderly people in my family and this person has had affairs on her husband, broken her family up, lied over and over to her husband and family and the person protecting them said they were vicious and had jealousy issues.

This person pretends to be holy and nice to her friends, but they have no idea how many times she has made fun of them all. She is a major player.

I encouraged her husband to be a hero, but I feel badly for him because I and the person who enables her saw how many men she was stringing along.

I stepped out of the situation, but the two continue their drama and telling everyone in the family and their circles and of course social media which I am not a part of, but those who see their drama tell me and show me evidence.

I have stayed out of the prey and they were/are furious that they could not force their way on me and get me to agree that it's okay if people lie and do what they please with people who require help or are special needs.

I have been advised over and over that my standing in truth is the right thing to do rather than continuing to sweep it under the carpet as other people in the family expected me to do even though they too have received a lashing from this person's tongue who has demonstrated opening a portal to evil energy.

The Demonic Energy Of The Covert Narcissist - (People Of The Lie)

How did Jesus handle Narcissists?

  • He ignored them
    whether it was

  • those who created drama everywhere they went

  • those who were constant attention seekers with the whoa is me

  • there's always drama that points the attention to them
    The pharisees were a classic example of Narcissim.
    When I have pointed out things said by the pharisees and they sound almost exactly like what the narcissists and their enablers in my family say, they get irate and start talking in a mocking tone.

  • pious attitudes

  • constant correcting

  • always looking to stir up trouble
    In order to criticize Jesus and His followers.
    Isn't this Exactly what the narcissists you deal with do?
    I know the ones I have been dealing with and attempting to distance myself from their drama and lies do. . .constantly criticize, lie, manipulate, mock, then say that THEY are the victim.

They do their best to point out your flaws to make themselves look good.
One that I have had to deal with my entire life used to make fun of my looks, then sneer and laugh with her friends.
As I child I was told if my parents didn't see it nothing could be done, and the bully took full advantage.
At times the bully would do it right in front of their noses, but they simply enabled most of the bully's behavior unless the person got mouthy with them.

How Did Jesus Handle Narcissists?

Matthew 29-30
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

Narcissists are classic scoffers and judgers.
They love to appear superior to others.
Narcissists are All about The Image!
Jesus cute them off.
He was not opposed to No Contact.
If house is Not deserving. . .leave that home or town and shake the dust off of your feet!
When I try to Love the narcissist to appease them [I did this for YEARS because I was expected to sacrifice myself to the abuser's behavior for the whole family to have their Public Image]!
In reality when you do this it only perpetuate the evil they are causing.
I John 5:16
The sin that leads to death is a sin that a person is willfully and habitually continuing.

Narcissists rarely show any genuine repentance so be careful.
We are told to call out their evil behaviors
call out the relationship when they don't take onus and continue to try to force their evil on you including saying everyone is a liar and lying is okay,

7 Signs of Christian Narcissist

Narcissists are fake humble.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but rather thinking of others LESS than yourself.
The narcissists I and my immediate family have dealt with concerning extended family, they rarely followed the golden rule.
They always put themselves first and would not even share things with my little ones, but rather gloated and only let their friends play with their nicest toys.

One of the narcissists boasted when she was going to a wedding that she was going to look so much better than everyone else and even started naming names. These people are something and those who enable their behavior almost worship them.

Philippians 2:3 kjv
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Narcissists cannot count others more significant,
but they know that it's not Christ like nor socially acceptable to be so selfish, so many will actually mimic humility, but it's fake.

They may even go so far as to put themselves down, but they still will Not put you first.
They will always elevate themselves above you and make sure you know if they have more in the material realm and more financially than you do.

Narcissists have learned Fake Niceness so they can get everyone to see their fake side and not their true wickedness and targeting of those they attempt to bully and abuse.

Don't be fooled when they do something that is nice, they only do in order for people to see!
But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

a small leather box containing Hebrew texts on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer as a reminder to keep the law.

Fake Faith,
They know the lingo and in front of churchy people they talk the lingo, while they continue behind their backs to party and even cheat on their spouses while justifying their behavior.

Then when a crisis hits they don't count on God, they count on all of their posse or group of people they have told lies to to keep their facade going.

This is because their self centered fragile ego doesn't rely on God, but rather those who pay homage to them and their behavior as most of their clan also have a huge ego and self centered behaviors.

If their posse or the people they turn to for help do not agree with them or say they are in the right, the narcissist then plays the victim Even though they created the problem and many times they perpetuate it and keep it going even if the one they are abusing and targeting has removed themselves from the picture.

You see, it's not good enough for a narcissists if the targeted chooses to shake the dust off of their feet, tries to create distance so they are no longer in the narcissists drama and circle, but rather the narcissists continues trying to force their way on the targeted and will continue to create lies and drama even when the targeted isn't engaging with them.

This is because
James 2:17
King James Version
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

This video goes over the boundaries for families with bullies,

8 Signs God is Showing You Someone is a Narcissist + LIVE Q&A

Feeling Unusually Tired Lately? Watch this #propheticword

Do you know a family member who fits these?
It is easy to disconnect and shake the dust off of your feet as Jesus told us to do with other narcissists, but what do you do when one is in your family and they know that others are afraid of them so will enable their abusive behavior?

Knowing these steps can help you safeguard yourself from their malevolence when enabling family members attempt to force you into situations with them.

When confronted with their obvious deeds, those committed to evil [narcissists] will feign ignorance.
When people with nefarious intentions realize you're aware of their patterns and aware of their jealousy and hate, they tend to respond in predictable ways.

  1. They DOWNPLAY their behavior

When confronted expect these narcissists to deny any wrongdoing and to play innocent.
They will likely strive to cast doubt on your perception of reality and even lie to friends and loved ones pretending YOU are the one that did what THEY did. [This is an evil spirit that promotes selfishness, deceit and hate that the person tunes into].
They may do this from a lifetime of people not dealing with and excusing their obvious wrong behavior.
They enjoy exploiting the ambiguity of certain situations in an attempt to wriggle out of trouble and make themselves out to be superior thought they do not follow the golden rule when dealing with those they target.

BEWARE of their ability to twist the truth, minimize the severity of their actions and use selective memories to support their claims.

Stay FIRM in your assertions and rely on evidence to support your case.

  1. They try to control and manipulate the situation.

People in tuned to evil Thrive on manipulation and they are the masters of mind control.
They may appeal to your
in order to influence your thoughts or actions.

Be leery of their charm, guilt tripping and flattery tactics that seek to ingratiate themselves with you and others.
REMEMBER. . .Master Manipulators and WHO did God call the most subtile beast of the field? You know who!

Remain cautious and trust your gut instinct when something seems too good to be true!
It is a good idea to keep a record of their promises and actions to hold them accountable.

  1. They use intimidation tactics

When evil doers become threatened, intimidation becomes their weapon of choice.
They often use FEAR tactics to silence and control those who dare to challenge them. [Sound familiar?]
They resort to threats, blackmail, tongue lashings and/or physical violence in an effort to continue exerting their power.

**DON'T back down! Seek help if you feel unsafe!

Maintain a support network that can provide guidance and protection.
Remember, in a family you Will NOT get those by those who have enabled and by never standing up for good and truth they have actually Supported the behavior of the one who embodies this verse,

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

  1. They play the victim though they have ALWAYS been the attacker!

Evil rarely wears it's true face in front of others, opting for a Victim Cloak instead!

These narcissists have a tendency to cast themselves as the ones wronged on their social media, when engaging with their posse of friends and other family members who enjoy hearing the drama rather than both sides and what is FACT from delusion [in which the abuser consistently casts themselves as the Star/Hero/Heroin of the SHOW] They are after all Master Deceivers and Manipulators of situations!

They may evoke sympathy by betraying themselves as helpless, victimized or discriminated against.

**Be Critical of their Narrative and SEEK to uncover the Facts! They do not like operating in Facts as this exposes their False Narrative! [I am Testing the Narrative under Rumble and Bitchute! For showing evidence that was documented my Truth telling channel was removed on YouTube years ago.]

Do NOT allow them to exploit your empathy or sense of fairness as they KNOW you are fair and they are NOT!

  1. They create drama and distractions.

Those in tune to the side of evil are experts at stirring up drama to divert attention from their Wicked Ways!
They like to create
Spin Stories
and throw you off their trail [master manipulators, most subtile beast of the field]

They like to use diversionary tactics such as
blame shifting
hominem attacks
or generalizing in order to avoid accountability

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Don't let them distract you from the issue at hand!

Stay focused on the Facts and continue to express evidence that exposes their true intentions.

  1. They try to create division

These people are masters at exploiting people's differences in an effort to keep the focus off of them and their narcissistic behavior.
They will weaponize people, family, friends and even their own children against their target and then come after trying to create division in the target's family and among their children.
They use various strategies to sow discord and conflict, deliberately causing rifts and animosity.
By creating division and pitting people against each other, they hope to distract from their own misdeeds and abusive behavior.
It's important to come together with others and actively resist their efforts by
promoting unity, understanding and cooperation you can counteract their attempts to tear you apart.

  1. They use financial control and exploitation.

They will brag or boast as a way to manipulate and dominate others.
They may exert pressure to gain access to your financial resources or try to force you into monetary dependence.
Be cautious of their attempts to manage your finances, restrict access to funds or deceive you into giving up your financial power.
Seek advice from financial experts or legal professionals to protect your assets and ensure your autonomy.

  1. They Retaliate
    Evil doesn't take kindly to exposure.
    The bible told us this!

John 3:19-21
King James Version
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Prepare yourself for the potential backlash and retaliatory actions that may come your way to these people committed to putting themselves above those they abuse.
These people are known to strike back seeking to harm or discredit anyone who threatens to uncover their true nature.

They like to use smear campaigns
or resort to sabotaging your personal or professional life to silence or deter you.

Stay vigilant and document any instances of sabotage or undermining to build a case against their actions.

Navigating the treacherous path of dealing with evil people can be tough and emotionally challenging and draining.

They may react in manipulative, intimidating and even violent ways to protect their own interests and keeping their facade in tact.

Prioritize seeking safety and help when needed!

** Do not let their actions Discourage you from doing what is Right and Exposing the Truth!**

Did you know that though narcissistic people are self-centered, there are 5 things they hide from those dedicated to the light?
Though self-centered, egotistical and arrogant
they MUST hide and suppress their feelings until they explode on their chosen target so
their entire life is a deception
it is essentially a mask that they wear to hide their true self.

Here are 5 weaknesses that narcissists have, but don't want you to know about.

  1. Lack of self reflection

In order to mature, we must acknowledge the failures and defects we have from time to time as that is the ONLY way to grow rather than stay stuck and stagnant creating a negative reality or feeding into only low vibrations and frequencies.

What happens to a narcissist instead of maturing and growing up to take responsibility as those in tuned to the light choose?

** Everything is Always someone else's fault.**

These narcissists are uber critical of everyone else, but lack self awareness in being hypocrites.
Part of them continuing their vicious cycle is that they never Identify Their mistakes in the first place, only everyone else around them and it is no secret in this realm that No One is perfect Unless they have transformed themselves by the renewing of their minds.

As they keep themselves from tuning into higher frequencies as growth is lacking, if you do not see a narcissist for 10 years, you will find them in the same state UNLESS they have acknowledged their abusive, bullying tactics and purposely inflicted hate towards their target.

  1. They do not believe in working together and only want to compete, yet they will try to trick you and draw you into thinking they want to work with you.

A narcissist is only concerned about themselves.
It is only Their well being that is most important and they demonstrate this over and over with their selfish behavior.
This extends to them making sure they are the center of attention and taking over or attempting to diminish other people's accomplishment to continue telling themselves they are at the top.

  1. They are constantly bored and their hobbies are short lived.

Narcissists are very disconnected from their soul so they are constantly seeking validation OUTSIDE of themselves.
They may demonstrate the Spirit of Jezebel [constant selfies, showing off outward appearance and seeking attention]
and this is why they target those who are of the Spirit of Elijah as the two spirits have Never resonated!

American marines singing "Days of Elijah"

These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the word of the Lord
And these are the days of Your servant Moses
Righteousness being restored
And though these are days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still, we are the voice in the desert crying
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"
Behold, He comes riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
Lift your voice, the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes
And these are the days of Ezekiel
The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of Your servant David
Rebuilding a temple of praise
Oh, these are the days of the harvest
For the fields are as white in Your world
And we are the labourers in Your vineyard
Declaring the word of the Lord!
Behold, He comes, riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
Lift your voice, the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes
Behold, He comes, riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
Lift your voice, the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes
Oh, we give glory to You, Lord (we worship You, Lord)
You're the Lion of Judah
The Lamb who was slain (we worship You, Jesus)
You're the God of Jacob
You're the God of Elijah (Lamb of God)
You're the Lord God of Israel (oh, I praise You, Lord)
You're the Lord God of the universe (You're the Lion of Judah)
You're God of Heaven and earth
Oh, Lord our King and our Redeemer, You are

Due to their Spirit of Jezebel [self absorbancy and places value on the Outward rather than the Inward] it makes it exceedingly hard for narcissists to have feelings of satisfaction and gratitude.
They are always focused on getting and wanting more and Expecting more from others to where no amount of gifts or attention given is ever enough.

The truth being satisfied is MORE than an emotional condition of having all of the material things around you to Feel satisfied.
True satisfaction comes when one knows NOTHING on the outside brings satisfaction, only having a grateful and satisfied spirit from within.

It's as if they are attempting to fill a big, black hole with nothing and then blame everyone around them that they are Still not satisfied or are angry or don't feel superior enough, so need a new fix by targeting their victim for a rage and put down session in an attempt to elevate themselves.
Always a vicious cycle.

Narcissists switch from one habit to the next
they switch partners frequently and even when with one partner are constantly seeking and boasting from receiving validation from other partners.

They have a habit of hoarding cars or frequently trading vehicles in for what they perceive is better in order to elevate their status.

8 Things Evil People Do When They Know That You Know

#MatthewPerry, #addictions, #drugaddictions, #AlcoholAddictions, #MatthewPerrySoberLivingFacility, #FacingYourDemons

Matthew Perry recounted encounter with the ‘presence of God’ in his book before death

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UPDATE approaching the 11.11.2023 marker

This article placed in an update here,
Jesus stated He did not come to bring Peace, but the Sword and Division! Jesus the Greatest Rebel! Enemy wants you to think He was weak, He wasn't! He defied the Establishment Constantly! Why some family and friends have turned against you?

This really says it all.
It is also what I have found concerning my own family, friends and what I have been teaching others and showing them.

Very sad that some chose those committed to the dark sides' ways over those of us who were showing them vast truths for years!

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How many of you true, awakened sons and daughters have a narcissistic, manipulative fam member that has Everyone else fooled [even though others have experienced their tongue lashings] have had them treat you EXACTLY how she describes?

Worth the 20 minute watch and just Wait for it,
if you are the Black sheep of your fam, you WILL resonate!

Chosen Ones➡️Why They 🤡ALWAYS Test Your Gangsta’🤦🏽‍♀️👀🔥💪🏽Yet Fail MISERABLY😭🤣

She is remarkable and describing it!

Chosen Ones They’re IRRITATED By Your Spirit of EXCELLENCE

Abuse leaves Marks even when the narcissist bullies and abusers Don't and Won't admit it!

Check out the habits formed from dealing with manipulators in their family for years!
From all of the criticism and emotional abuse!
Survival mechanisms to protect from further harm.

Weird Mannerisms of People Abused By Narcissists
