مولوی - مثنوی معنوی - دفتر اول - بخش ۱۰۲ | Rumi - Spiritual Couplets - Book 1 - Part 102

in maulana •  8 years ago 

Commentary on the verse of Hakím (Saná’í): “In the realm of the soul are skies lording over the sky of this world. In the Way of the spirit there are lowlands and highlands, there are lofty mountains and seas.”

2035-The Unseen World has other clouds and water (than ours), it has another sky and sun.

That is not discerned save by the elect; the rest are in doubt as to a new creation.

There is rain for the sake of nurture; there is (also) rain for the sake of decay.

Marvellous is the benefit of the rain of springtime, (but) to the garden the autumnal rain is like a (consuming) fever.

That vernal (rain) makes it tenderly nurtured (flourishing), while this autumnal (rain) makes it sickly and wan.

2040-Similarly know that cold and wind and sun are at variance (produce various effects); and find the clue.

Even so in the Unseen World there are these different sorts, (consisting) in loss and gain and in profit and defraudment (damage).

This breath of the Abdál (saints) is from that (spiritual) springtide: from it there grows a green garden in heart and soul.

From their breaths there comes (is produced) in him who is fortunate the (same) effect (as that) of the spring rain on the tree.

If there be in the place a dry tree, do not deem its defect to be due to the life quickening wind.

2045-The wind did its own work and blew on: he that had a soul chose it in preference to his soul.


تفسیر بیت حکم رضی‌الله عنه «آسمانهاست در ولایت جان کارفرمای آسمان جهان» «در ره روح پست و بالاهاست کوههای بلند و دریاهاست»

غیب را ابری و آبی دیگرست
آسمان و آفتابی دیگرست

ناید آن الا که بر خاصان پدید
باقیان فی لبس من خلق جدید

هست باران از پی پروردگی
هست باران از پی پژمردگی

نفع باران بهاران بوالعجب
باغ را باران پاییزی چو تب

آن بهاری نازپروردش کند
وین خزانی ناخوش و زردش کند

همچنین سرما و باد و آفتاب
بر تفاوت دان و سررشته بیاب

همچنین در غیب انواعست این
در زیان و سود و در ربح و غبین

این دم ابدال باشد زان بهار
در دل و جان روید از وی سبزه‌زار

فعل باران بهاری با درخت
آید از انفاسشان در نیکبخت

گر درخت خشک باشد در مکان
عیب آن از باد جان‌افزا مدان

باد کار خویش کرد و بر وزید
آنک جانی داشت بر جانش گزید

Poet: Maulana Rumi
Translation: Reynold A. Nicholson
Edited by: @tamim

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I like this, I see this recalled when celebrating the mawlam of the Prophet Muhammad

Hey good job,keep it up,i will support you...check me out @kamranbhatti

Hi @tamim,

What book is this poem from? I'm interesting in reading a few more if they are in English :) or are you translating them to English?


If I may know you who made this story or you took from the book excerpt ? your post is very good.

What's wrong with my post, so your decision changed?

Sufi words are very touching. Is this a poem?