It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

in mcclean •  6 years ago 

McClean was part of Ford's group as they walked into the court room, it all fits, the pieces are coming together. FBI says they cannot find any witnesses that will backup Ford's account. FBI hands the report to the Senate. Chinese have embeded a chip into many devices which allows them to spy on the American people, this happened during when Obama was President. US sends marines to eastern Syria to hunt down the paid mercenaries. Since Trump has been President terrorism is down 27%. Q drops more bread, it is almost time, start the clocks, D5 Red October.

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Dave, You consistently provide highly educational/informed videos...

Very impressive !!

One simple question... why do Your Steemit Posts receive so few views and really not upvoted very much... seems to be quite a travesty to receive so little compensation for so much hard work.

Thank You Dave, I wish I had much more SP to UpVote Your work.

Cheers !!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Just for fun, I did a search on GoFundMe for Jackson Cosko, to see if the criminals were up to there old tricks. Yep, sure enough there is a page for Jackson Cosko.

What's funny is someone else put up a 2nd Jackson Cosko "fund me page" which is not for Jackson Cosko .

He writes:
"Like many, I am tired of the Democrats using GoFundMe as a slush fund for criminal activity so I am beating them to the punch."

Update... both pages have been removed from the site.

▶ Watch As Fake Q Anon Burns! New Board Exposes Fake Q!

Still waiting 🤨

Criminal Conspiracy to Assassinate Kavanaugh Exposed! Soros, Feinstein, Schumer & CIA!
The 2 main weapons in the arsenal of Deep State that are used against the political class in order to compel compliance are the threat of criminal (or civil) prosecution and the exposure of sex crimes and/or sexual misconduct.

These two threats hang like the Sword of Damocles over every politician in America. For example, Pedogate serves as the primary control mechanism with respect to political leaders and government officials the world over.