We use different allopathic medicines for healing from various cure diseases and pests, but we do not know that there are some herbs around you that will not only reduce your expenditure but will also save you from diseases as well. The clinic is a beneficial herbal medicine.
Benefits of Thanakuni Leaf
Thanquni's contribution to medical treatment is immense. Many patients are relieved from the herbal oil of the Thanakuni by processing. Direct access to the tokunis by food means proper role in the treatment of diseases.
The region is called by various names. For example, Thanakuni, Tea, Manaki, Tetra, Bamaya, Dokamoni, Thulkuri, Manamani etc. It is usually found on the pond.
Ayurvedic doctors say that if you can take the medicines regularly, you will not have to suffer from abdominal pain. Again, it does not only keep the warm spring fresh, but also helps in the development of intelligence.
It can eat from childhood. Thanquni is very useful in keeping youth and keeping healthy. Let's know more about using Thanquni.
Thanakuni's many things
The quality is given
There is no substitute for the treatment of stomach disorders, you can eat it regularly to get rid of any abdominal pain. Do not suffer for your stomach ache.
Apart from stomach pain, it is possible to cure ulcers and various skin diseases in the skin. Thanquni can be used in more ways. For example, skin glow and new hair growth can not be terminated.
The Bacoside A and Bacoside B components of the Thanquni helps in the formation of brain cells and increase blood circulation.
Bread gourd mixed with small amounts of bark, pineapple kachipata 1, raw halud juice, 4/5 of the so-called 'chickpea', and the stomach acids are good. It's even more effective for younger kids.
Thanakuni is very beneficial for skin cells. Thancuni ras can rearrange dying cells. And from being dry, the dry skin becomes smooth.
If you do not cure any old wounds, it is very beneficial if you have a paste of boiled leaves.
Thuncuni helps in stopping hair loss and growing new hair. In this case, Than Kuna is unique.
If you feel weak as you grow older, in that case, you will be able to retain youth by drinking the drug of the thancanu every day. To improve the looks, one glass of milk with chickpea leaves will be added to milk, which will increase your confidence.
There is no substitute for Than Kuna leaf behind the different diseases of the teeth. Benefits of bleeding, gums and teeth pain can also be found. If the water is cooled with the juice of the Thanakuni leaf, the pain of the teeth will be greatly reduced. If the skin of a large bowl is plaque, then the body will get good results soon.
The nanotechnology helps to keep the nervous system active. In addition, 1 poya mixed with half a pound of milk and mixed with pseudoscopic pancake juice mixed together with pistachios, it is good to have a stomach gastric after playing 1 week every morning.
With the help of eggplant / peppered with mint leaves, cooked drunkenness every day gives digestive strength increases.
It is beneficial to drink juice and juice of Thakkuni leaves.
Blood pollution is good for playing with 4 tablespoons of chickenpox leaves and one spoon of honey every day for 7 days.
If the children are not clear, the words of 1 spoon of Thakkuni leaves will become clear when they are hot.
Every morning, the juice of the chicken pores and 5/6 drops of yellow juice is mixed with a little sugar or honey