Obligatory 'introducing myself' to the attention economy post...

in me •  7 years ago  (edited)

This will be my first publically accessible broadcast -or post- in several years, so please bear with me.

I have little time for grammar, spelling, punctuation and careful sentence structuring. Quite honestly I am hoping that a certain free-to-use piece of writing software will do the awkward job of ensuring the accuracy and fluidity of my writing for me; wonderful stuff technology, isn't it? And, if technology fails me I am certain that the more grammatically astute readers out there will certainly prove to be there officious selves by kindly advising any revisions in the comment section. I'd like to pre-emptively thank these people for there kind service...

The steemit recommended picture-!


On with the intro... After having a quick scan through a small selection of other introductory blogs, I found that most were a bit boring and self-focused. With this in mind, I decided that I'd try to be a little imaginative and explore the reasons why I'm here writing this speel to a completely unknown, potentially ephemeral and distant audience.

In advertising media 'they' -the theorists presumably- say: "Do you know what the best and most effective singular type of advertising is Jim?... it's word of mouth"
Just the other night, whilst sat comfortably in a kind of trendy, kind of generic craft ale bar on the outskirts of Manchester City in the (dis)United Kindom of Big Britain, I became embroiled in a conversation regarding the recent economic trajectory of a certain 'cryptocurrency'. Being a subject which I ashamedly know very little about, I was at a loss in my understanding of how exactly an economic value can be placed upon something which doesn't physically exist, without it having the potential to become a platform for advertising (comments and links offering any explanation would be appreciated). In a concerted effort to quench my significant ignorance on this subject, a long-term and reasonably trustworthy friend used Steemit as an example. Just like that folks, by voicing a simple example, in an effort to enlighten an individual who is a little behind regarding contemporary technological advancements; wah-la, we have another member of the so-called 'attention economy', willing to enter the swirling diversity of the online popularity contest with a twist. The twist -it would seem- is that instead of the almost germ-like engineered algorithms making the decisions on 'what's hot' and inevitably 'what's not', upon this platform we -the collective users- have the control of the crowd deciding upon inherent value. Although I would suggest that 'the crowd' isn't always the best mediator of rewards.

I guess that steemit represents a kind of digitalized anarcho-socialism based upon competition for attention. We all compete for attention, whether it be for economic or social gain, the fact seems to be that competition is ingrained within the human psyche to various levels resulting in various effects. It seems natural that striving for social attention has become entwined with a sort of physical currency; however cryptic or mystic that currency may be. Have we had enough of the 'like' and are we collectively seeking a more corporeal currency with an economic as well as social base which is essentially digital in nature? Who knows...

Either way, I'm going to be a part of it since I have a desire to improve my abilities as a writer and steemit would seem to offer an open platform for this endeavor. I am not seeking to become a professional writer. I want t to timidly pass my fingers over a keyboard so that I may be able to explore my own thoughts whilst simultaneously learning how to communicate my thoughts to an unknown crowd. I'm not seeking affirmation, congratulation or undeserved attention. More than these things I am seeking constructive criticism hopefully leading to improved understandings. I hope that this is what 'the crowd' will provide...

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