Biden versus Trump Debate and Golf Match

in me •  3 days ago 

Biden versus Trump Debate

Why is Pres. Bill Clinton backing Joe Biden?

His wife and the Steele Dossier, his wife and..., his wife and...,

Why is Pres. Obama backing Joe Biden. His wife said, and because people will realize President Joe Biden destroyed the Obama presidency.

I looked on MSNBC after the debate, owned by the Gates Foundation, and saw that even MSNBC while it made excuses for Biden realized Joe Biden was controlled by Jill Biden his wife as her puppet.

The news reported that the supreme court has ruled that the violent, January 6th, conservative, dressed in Halloween costumes, drunk, and..., do not deserve 18 years of prison each for waving the American Flag and walking into the Capitol Buildings through the doors. Even though some stumbled in their stupors.

Once they found out Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security. Yes, when Trump was in charge of Capitol security, which no President is, then it was Okay to throw everyone prison for decades.

But this isn't really the big news: It's the Trump versus Biden golf match.

My prediction on the golf match is it will be like Zuckerberg versus Musk UFC in the cage match.

I didn't want to watch the debate viewed by 25 million people and 26 million bots.

But I did. While screaming at the TV, God said turn it off before you have a stroke. So I did.

I felt a lot better. And I began to think about that fellow I talked to for a bit who was a biologist with the Bureau of Land Management and I said to him when he said that, Who are you going to vote for President, wait all you government people will vote for Biden because automatically get raises with inflation.

At that point, he appeared to go insane, that idiot, I hate him: I am out here to find thistle plants and remove them because they are not native and will spread and be everywhere.

No they won't I said. I wouldn't even remove them.

They are from Scotland.

Oh well, at least something grows but do what you want. The thistle won't spread.

Then he went off on how he was forced to get COVID Shots or be fired by Biden. He screamed while he said it.

For a government employee he repeated almost everything @builderofcastles writes about is his rants.

So, I pointed out where the Humble cargo spacecraft took off from on the other side of the valley and how I turned in the vector coordinates to NASA and the Psyche Asteroid was found.

He said the country was collapsing under Biden and -

I hope not. I have a lot of enemies out here and with no law it would be them versus me.

I gave an absolutely wicked smile.

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God said turn it off before you have a stroke

The wisest advice that can be given.
In the games of those standing above, ordinary people do not participate. They are only given material to be angry about, which shortens their lives even more. I don't understand anything about American politics. In a way, it feels different from what is happening in Bulgaria. Here it is just a theater, a masquerade, the organization and conduct of which is paid for out of the pocket of the common man.
I have to admit that until recently I was very excited about the political life in the country, its absurdity rather. But I've already given up. It doesn't make any sense. It's really just a way to make my life even shorter and none of it is worth it.

Hmmm...I am humbled by your response. Thanks for your reply.
It is a tough choice to choose for whom to vote. May God guide your hands and heart.

I hope my comment isn't rude but as a side observer, my opinion is that if any one of those two individuals gets reelected that is a pure evidence the president isn't the figure who usually makes the most important decisions for the nation.
I suppose, there wouldn't be much discussing the Bosnian problem either, lolz. I may be wrong about it, modern chemistry does wonders.

Well, at least Trump knows how to build something. At least he knows how to build a lot of things.

At least he knows how to make a business profitable.

Think about it.

It's a bit like Christ, who knew how to design and build something versus a mess.