The Peach Tree Massacre Of 1989...

in media •  6 years ago 

In the late 80s, 88 or 89, a deep freeze occurred in my home town of Grand Junction, Colorado.

News broadcasters went insane. Their claim was that if the freeze continued more than ten days, the entire peach industry was dead, that ALL peach trees would DIE and that entire orchards would have to be dug up and replanted.

The freeze went well beyond the deadly ten day limit.

So our main crop was gone, people would starve to death, dogs and cats living together and all of that...


Later that summer.

The "We're-All-Gonna-Die" press had the fucking nerve to issue an alert that said, "Due to the lack of migrant workers, the peach harvest may wind up unpicked!"

Kathy watched me go insane!

"What? How could there POSSIBLY be a shortage of peach pickers???? ALL OF THE PEACH TREES ARE DEAD!!!!"

I remember trying to explain to Kathy that the media went on and on and on about how "The Freeze" of 89 killed EVERYTHING!!!

She thought I was over-reacting.


Trump claimed he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single voter.

The mainstream media has lost all credibility and then some.

I contend that Trump could massacre hundreds of people on Fifth Avenue and actually GAIN votes.

Fuck the media...

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