I was young once. I recall having an affinity with the so-called radical elements of that time, like SDS and the Black Panther movements. I didn't condone violence against innocent civilians (mostly false flags even back then), but I understood the underlying causes. I participated in movements, and marched against wars, and even for decades since. I was a weekend activist, and back in the day, I guess a weekend hippie. I always had to make a living and take care of myself. Never was a "joiner" if it meant giving up my own sense of independence.
Can't even begin to equate what was going on then, decades ago, with what is happening now. Know why? Those of us that knew what was happening also got caught up in the propaganda that we actually believed we had helped to create some change, and then we got complacent and got on with our lives -- because back then we were fooled into believing we had won some battles and there were still people inside the media, and the establishment, who were still on our side.
And today, the media propaganda machine has become so powerful as to have taken over the minds of billions across the planet. And a majority of our political leaders have become compromised, owned and controlled by the same machine. Funny how most of those same establishment folks hate Trump, and have tried to destroy him for the last four years.
What fools we humans are. My only message left today is never be complacent and don't believe a fucking thing our corporate media tells us.