Just because I think people like Maddow went full Alex Jones on the Russia hoax thing, doesn't mean Russia wasn't doing things to affect US politics.
I mean, the IRA (the troll farm, not the freedom fighters) was certainly active. It's just that what they did pales in comparison to SOP for the US in plenty of regions around the world. Putin's IRA is more akin to Radio y Television Marti than, say, what we've done directly with Banana Republics during the cold war, more Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty than Operation Ajax. Sure, they might be a step further than RT because they're not open about sourcing, but it's not like we weren't encouraging the growth of the Mujahideen at one point while denying it was us.
Not saying that it's a great way to conduct statecraft between countries as large as ours, but it's common for both us and other nations to subtly nudge each other through coordinated and denied propoganda influence operations in one form or another. This was true even before the internet, before television, and before radio. The tactic isn't going away any more than terrorism is.
And, as I've said before, If a collection of fake profiles using bad syntax and faulty logic was able to sway a national election, that says more about the concept of democracy, the state of our educational system, and the priorities of our culture than it says about Russia.