The largest story of the day doesn't exist on one side of the aisle.

in media •  2 years ago 


When I used to write long published articles every day, I had a formula.

I needed to read any news story from a right wing source, a left wing source, and a relatively neutral source before I even considered writing about it myself. I needed to know I wasn't misrepresenting arguments about the thing and being overly biased. Simple, obvious stuff that you start with, yeah?

I couldn't do that now. Obviously, one of the biggest stories of the time is the Twitter files. Government, government agencies, and government agents using a third party in order to engage in censorship. We all know the details.

And... Literally... Left wing sources are pretending the story doesn't even exist. CNN, MSNBC, whatever... Don't even have coverage. It's not just that they don't have unbiased coverage... It's that they're pretending the story didn't happen. Like... Wtf?

I get saying "this is over hyped" or "the first amendment doesn't really matter that much" or "it's only bad speech being suppressed" or something. But the obvious largest story of the day doesn't even seem to exist on one side of the aisle, and that's fucking terrifying.

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