A new SCOT tribe --- MediaOfficials

in mediaofficials •  5 years ago 

Just found a new SCOT tribe, it's different than the SCOT tribes we have known. Like Palnet has one front-end:palnet.io, SCT has one front-end: steemcoinpan.com, tripleA has one front-end: triplea.com
But this MediaOfficials has many different sites targeted for different topics.

For example:
Talk about Auto: AutoOfficials.com
Talk about Cannabis: CannabisOfficials.com
Talk about Climate: ClimateOfficials.com
Talk about Crypto: CryptoOfficials.com
Talk about Home: HomeOfficials.com
Talk about Media: MediaOfficials.com
Talk about Money: MoneyOfficials.com
Talk about Trip: TripOfficials.com
Talk about Beauty: BeautyOfficials.com
Talk about Food: FoodOfficials.com

This isn't the completed list, there are going to be 1300 more sites coming in the future.

They all share the same Token called MOT.

Here is some setting for the ScotBot:

"author_curve_exponent": 1.1,
"author_reward_percentage": 50,
"beneficiaries_account": "null",
"beneficiaries_reward_percentage": 0,
"cashout_window_days": 3,
"curation_curve_exponent": 0.5,
"downvote_power_consumption": 20,
"downvote_regeneration_seconds": 432000,
"downvote_window_days": 2,
"enable_account_muting": false,
"issue_token": true,
"json_metadata_app_value": null,
"json_metadata_key": "tags",
"json_metadata_value": "mediaofficials",
"miner_tokens": "{}",
"mining_pool_claim_number": 0,
"mining_pool_claims_per_year": 0,
"muting_account": null,
"n_daily_posts_muted_accounts": 0,
"other_pool_accounts": "{}",
"other_pool_percentage": 0,
"other_pool_send_token_per_year": 0,
"pob_pool_percentage": 100,
"posm_pool_percentage": 0,
"post_reward_curve": "default",
"post_reward_curve_parameter": null,
"promoted_post_account": "null",
"reduction_every_n_block": 10512000,
"reduction_percentage": 0.5,
"rewards_token": 16,
"rewards_token_every_n_block": 100,
"staking_pool_claim_number": 0,
"staking_pool_claims_per_year": 0,
"staking_pool_percentage": 0,
"token": "MOT",
"token_account": "freedomex.dev",
"vote_power_consumption": 200,
"vote_regeneration_seconds": 432000,
"vote_window_days": 2

Some important notes:

  • Author/Curations: 50%/50%
  • Payout Window: 3 Days
  • Upvote Window: 2 Days
  • Every 100 blocks will produce 16 MOT
  • Author Curve exponent: 1.1
  • Curation Curve exponent: 0.5
  • tag: mediaofficials

Currently, 1 MOT is valued at 0.0021.

One suggestion to the site, please make the header a little bit smaller. It almost blocks all my typing area.

For more detail, you can check this post: Post on Mediaofficials and earn rewards!

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Very nice post about Media Officials! Thank you

Yes, we are adjusting the banner for both desktop and mobile. This will be resolved in the next 24 hours.

Thanks for your reply. Looking forward the new update.

agree, the header need to be smaller. its a little bit annoying for now

especially when i scroll it up

yes, even worse on the mobile device.

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