Meditation: 8 good reasons to get started!

in mediatation •  7 years ago 

The meditation to make the positive assessment of his day:
Meditation is above all a contact with oneself: it is a matter of probing oneself and getting to know one another better. Taking stock of one's day when meditating helps to attain a state of appeasement. In the evening, lying down and with your eyes closed, list 3 positive events in your day. This is a first approach to meditation since it involves chasing stressful or harmful thoughts. Focusing on the positive means that we can put in the background what is for us a source of annoyance and better confront it.
Meditation to reduce stress and anxiety:
Meditation has seen its proven effects on stress and anxiety. When meditating, one learns to "ask oneself". For a few minutes, one moves from one's mind what one is everyday in society: a woman, a father of a family or an employee, to reach the essence of what one is. It is these external factors that cause stress and anxiety. Rejuvenating yourself allows you to actually relax by taking a real distance with the outside, which distances the anxiety factors.
Meditation to improve sleep :
Often, insomnia is linked to "over-thinking". We tend to rehearse a number of negative thoughts throughout the day. At bedtime, when we have nothing else to do but let our mind go, the harmful and superfluous thoughts take up more space: it then becomes difficult to fall asleep. Meditation allows you to pause with these thoughts by keeping your attention on something else (a pleasant landscape, a sound, etc.) to really relax and so fall asleep more easily.
Meditation to learn to be happy :
For many of us the everyday life is agitated: family life, work, financial problems, studies ... fields where the human being is constantly in search of recognition. It is our perception of events that allows us to be happy or not to be happy. If being happy does not depend on what we are given, but from our vision of happiness, for some, being happy is therefore easier than for others. The quest for happiness must go through a work on oneself and on a real relativisation of the everyday in order to take life in retrospect: meditation contributes to it.
Meditation for better health :
Meditation allows you to work at the base of stress and anxiety and soothe them. We know that stress can make you sick. Although stress rarely causes a single disease, it aggravates the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, and mental disorders such as diet, depression, phobias, panic attacks, etc ...
Meditation to reduce chronic pain :
Meditation would help the brain to "organize" better to fight pain. Adepts of meditation would face a pain as intense as non-practitioners, but the work they do on their emotions would allow them to feel it less. For this reason, meditation is strongly recommended for people with cancer, women suffering from fibromyalgia or the elderly affected by chronic pain.
Meditation for a better memory :
By the same process as the neutralization of pain, meditation allows a better memory. This is a mind training. When the mind is preoccupied with parasitic thoughts or simply when it feels overwhelmed, it is more difficult to concentrate and therefore to remember certain things in the short and long term.
Meditation to let go :
Meditation is often perceived as a difficult activity because it requires letting go and letting your thoughts run through, without being captivated. To think is a quality peculiar to man, from which it is impossible to get rid. Meditation teaches to distance oneself from one's thoughts by focusing on a neutral thought, such as a sound, "aum," for example, an object or a mental image. Some adepts of meditation can not get rid of their thoughts but claim that they do not stop meditating as long as you get to take a sufficient distance and feel that you let go.

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Yoga very nice for body and brain

yea try to meditate every day for 5 to 10 min my life changed since then :)