📬[MEDIBLOC TIMES] Week 3-4, February

in medibloctimes •  7 years ago 

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[Community Updates]
MediBloc team had busy weeks meeting potential partners and supporters.

1) Blockchain, Bubble or Future? Hosted by. Korea Internet Corporations Association (2/22)

Wookyun Kho, CEO of MediBloc, participated as one of the panels in a conference, “Blockchain, Bubble or Future” at “Good Internet Club Conference” sponsored by Naver, Kakao, eBay, NC Soft, and NEXON.

In this session, the panels, including Seo-il Seok, CEO of Moin, Ryan Sungho Kim, CAO and partner at Hashed, Munsoo Kim, CEO of Benative, discussed the current landscape of Blockchain Industry.


2) Hyperledger Meetup at. Samsung SDS East Campus (2/22)

CEO of MediBloc, gave a presentation on Personal Healthcare Information System based on Blockchain technology at Hyperledger Meetup Seoul hosted by Linux Foundation. In this Meetup, KiWoon Sung, from Samsung SDS, also shared the Hyperledger application example on Marine Logistics and its challenges.


[MediBloc in the Press]
1) SBS CNBC featured “MediBloc” as a blockchain start-up that stands out in the healthcare field.

SBS CNBC, one of the most influential broadcasting networks in Korea, featured the potentials and the future of MediBloc in its economic talk show “Blueberry.” The moderator and the panelists conversed that MediBloc, which was selected as a promising startup in Korea by the Forbes, would reduce inefficiency caused by duplicated tests and help the financing of health insurance.

*Link : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=374&aid=0000152060

2) What is MediBloc by. The Merkle

The Merkle, one of the most influential crypto media, featured MediBloc. The article highlighted that “Since this platform(MediBloc) aims to restructure the balance of power within the medical domain, it has serious market potential in the near future.”

*Link : https://themerkle.com/what-is-medibloc/

3) Will Blockchain Revolutionize the Healthcare Industry? By. Crypto Slate

MediBloc was featured on Crypto Slate, a popular media coverage in crypto communities. It stressed that MediBloc not only allows for the distribution of better medical services but also is highly cost effective and scalable.
*Link : https://cryptoslate.com/will-blockchain-revolutionize-healthcare-industry/

👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org
👉🏻MediBloc Official Telegram (ENG): https://t.me/medibloc
MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain technologists. Both founders are computer scientists turned to medicine, turned entrepreneurs. MediBloc addresses the problems entrenched in PHR market and aims to give back the control of personal health info to the patients themselves using blockchain technology.

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