Today's Weed News for October 5th 2018 #JERRYBROWN

in medical •  6 years ago 

For today's weed news we go to the great state of California.

Governor Jerry Brown just vetoed what was known as JoJo's Act. This was a bill, proposed by State Senator Jerry Hill, that wanted to allow kids with extreme health problems, like Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (the rare form of severe epilepsy that Jojo, who the act was named after suffered from), to be allowed to use cannabis-based medications while at school.

Governor Brown's reasoning behind the veto was that the bill was too broad. Explaining the decision in his veto letter, the Governor wrote:

"This bill is overly broad as it applies to all students instead of limited cases where a doctor recommends medical marijuana for a student in order to prevent or reduce the effects of a seizure... The bill goes to far -further than some research has - to allow the use of medical marijuana for youth. I think we should pause before going much further down this path."

The author of the bill Jerry Hill said that he will continue to push for similar legislation and plans to introduce the same bill in early December, after the gubernatorial election.

Similar measures have already become law in places like Illinois and Colorado.

Although I can kind of see Jerry Brown's logic, I still feel like you should let all the kids use that shit first if it helps them, and then work your way down to making sure that people aren't abusing the law.

To me that makes more sense then making sick children wait to be able to have a seizure free day at school. But that's just my opinion.

And that's what's up in California.


“Take Action Today to Help Legalize Weed Tomorrow” -Kief Preston



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thanks bro for keeping the momentum ongoing of your daily news .