Bioresonance Scans Medical Imaging: 650 Resonant Frequencies / “Mortal Oscillatory Rates” = Potentially Diagnose / Treat / Cure 650 Diseases

in medical •  last year 

"Bioresonance is a type of therapy used in holistic or complementary medicine.

It uses a machine to measure the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body. Those measures are then used to diagnose disease. Promoters say it can also cure certain diseases."

"Our body consists of various parts. The body’s cells, organs, muscles, bones, and tissue emit natural frequency. Scientists can measure and record this. The culmination of each resonates harmoniously, creating the body energy field. In the same way, a cell’s energy wavelengths can be recorded; the pathogens can also be recorded."

"the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency"

"Each specific biological function is characterized by a single unique frequency. The specific frequencies create resonance within the body"

"Scientific research has shown that every cell in our body depends on a symphony of resonating frequencies to signal, coordinate and function with other cells and organs. When these cells resonate harmoniously with each other, they promote healing, calm, and overall balance in our body and mind.

However, disruption to this resonance can cause a wide range of physical and psychological disorders."

"These Beds can perform live scans of the body for diagnosis as well as treat any illnesses with much greater accuracy in far less time and with far less invasion to the human vessel.

These Med Beds will scan every part of your body for diagnosis and interpretation, including your skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, neurological and hormonal efficiency."

"The computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine, however, instead of magnetics and radiation, these Med Beds use plasmatic energy"

"Medical imaging refers to several different technologies that are used to view the human body in order to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions."

"All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate."

"By endless watching and trying out frequencies Rife claimed to have documented “Mortal Oscillatory Rates” for various pathogenic organisms and by sending out those rates with a ‘Beam Ray Device’ Rife cured significant numbers of people infected with a number of infections."

"might be permanently cured without the use of any drugs if such research is successful."

“kill over 650 different pathogens,” or “cure over 650 different diseases.”

"bioresonance therapy appears promising and deserves further study."

"the complexity of the field of vibrational medicine and calls for specific comparative research on type of vibration delivery, amount of body or surface being stimulated, effect of specific frequencies and intensities to specific mechanisms, and to greater interdisciplinary cooperation and focus."

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