Can Rife Machines kill pathogens in the body safely? Do they work?

in medical •  5 years ago 

"It was in 1920 that Royal Rife first believed he identified the human cancer virus using the world’s most powerful microscope. After identifying and isolating the virus, he decided to culture it on salted pork. At the time this was a very good method for culturing a virus. He then took the culture and injected it into 400 rats which as you might expect, created cancer in all 400 rats very quickly.

The next step for Rife is where things took an interesting turn. He later found a frequency of electromagnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to diminish completely when entered into the energy field. The great discovery led Rife to create a device that could be tuned to output the frequency that would destruct the cancer. He was then able to treat the cancer within both rats and patients who were within close proximity of the device"

"In the same way, each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or Mortal Oscillatory Rate). When you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stress, and the pathogen is disabled or dies. Rife resonators generate resonance waves that destroy harmful pathogenic organisms without doing any harm to the users."

"Rife’s machine built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency. This theory is sometimes called radionics."

"Rife believed bacteria or viruses inside tumors emitted specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). He developed a microscope he claimed could detect EMFs from bacteria and viruses by the color of their auras."

"He believed sending this frequency to the body would make cancer-causing microbes shatter and die. This frequency was called the mortal oscillatory rate."

"They’ve concluded low-frequency electromagnetic waves do affect tumors and don’t impact noncancerous cells. Research is still in the early stages. And there haven’t been any human studies."

"Rife Machine Frequencies Killing Bacteria: Each microorganism, whether a fungi, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, or other unwanted pathogen, has a unique specific signature frequency or vibrational rate. The Law of Resonance (the basis of Homeopathy) states that when you add MORE OF THE ITS OWN frequency back to a microorganism, it cannot tolerate it and bursts, dying. This can be viewed under a microscope. Here is a video showing Rife electro-therapy destroying this particular bacteria."

"There is a serious new SARS/New Corona Virus illness hitting here and in the states, hospitals don’t know what it is, or how to do anything about it. My friend recently reported to me that “the boy down the road stopped breathing twice and the hospitals couldn’t help. Both of my children contracted it, 102 fever overnight.” Like me she is an engineer and has found the correct frequencies to kill the virus off quickly. She also reported that “the fever left and both kids returned to perfect health right away.”

Thats a brilliant outcome and I am incorporating the sets into the replacement unit Roger sent me.

Attached are the frequencies used to resolve the virus within a couple of hours. They have been tested several times now by my friend and work perfectly. The disease reported is a combination of Coronavirus, Influenza, Adenovirus, E.Coli, Streps, Staphs, and Respiratory Synctical Virus."

"The Rife machine works by introducing frequencies into the body which correspond to the frequencies of the pathogens. These increase the vibration of the skin of the pathogens, just as you would pluck a guitar string, resulting in the skins breaking and the pathogens inner fluids leaking out. Whereas our cells have two layers of tightly packed proteins and fat molecules around them, the skins of the pathogens are one molecule thick and loosely attached together like a pearl necklace that is missing every 2nd or more pearls. So they are easy to rupture. If you want to see a picture of this happening under a microscope go to website. Rife machines have sound at the same frequencies as the electricity. While electricity cannot penetrate our cells, sound can. So the electricity rides piggyback on the sound and is carried into the cells to kill whatever pathogens are there, such as the Cancer, Lyme and the AIDs virus. Hulda Clark said our own cells are not effected or damaged due to the fact that they vibrate in a different range of frequencies than the pathogens do."

"Rife used a form of broadcast energy, created in a neon-like florescent tube, to apply frequencies to person's whole body. His premise was that the right frequency could cause the death of a specific target organism, and thus eliminate a particular disease. He arrived at this by actually observing the destruction of viruses in a unique microscope he invented using the same broadcast energy concepts.

With his microscope, Rife had the advantage of being able to tune his device and confirm the correct frequency simply by observing the result. Researchers following him have not been so fortunate, and often seem to arrive at specific frequencies in a hit or miss patchwork of guesses and unexpected results. Lists containing hundreds of frequencies and their possible results are freely available, but so far there are few really solid, provable associations between a specific frequency and a specific problem. To add to the confusion, many Rife experimenters are attempting to broaden the concept. Frequencies are suggested for the promotion of good health for various organs, an idea completely unrelated to the basic theory of Rife's work."

"More important, unlike electron microscopes, the microbe remained alive. He found that every micro-organism has a "mortal oscillatory rate" – a point at which it will shatter or break apart when bombarded by sound waves, like an intense musical note that shatters a glass.

He discovered the microbe that caused, or at minimum was deeply involved with cancer!

Once the frequency for the cancer-linked microbe was identified, it was a simple step to test his world-shaking discovery on mice, and then move to clinical treatment of supposedly "terminal" cancer patients.

In 1934 Rife and a team of doctors and scientists from leading medical research facilities cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients using the Frequency Machine. Over the next four years the instruments and methods were refined. Some of North America's most brilliant cancer researchers visited Rife's laboratory and became involved in a secret research committee at U.S.C.

Clinical proof of successful and painless cures from cancer and other microbe-caused diseases increased as clinics in Los Angeles and San Diego slowly documented cases. Additional laboratory verification came from research institutions in San Francisco, Chicago, New Jersey and Montreal.

By the late 1930s, ENERGY MEDICINE doctors, using a variety of different electronic approaches, grew in numbers and had formed national associations.

However, the threat to orthodox medicine was too great. Without any consideration for their Hippocratic Oaths or the well being of people, medical officials and societies mounted a furious counterattack against Rife's monumental discovery before the American public could be informed of it. Doctors who were using Rife's instruments to treat cancer and other diseases were threatened with losing their licenses and being thrown into jail. Most meekly surrendered.

An energy medicine laboratory complex, which was in the process of verifying Rife's discoveries, was mysteriously burned, while the owner was in California visiting Rife!"

"Rife built the first Rife machine. Its electromagnetic frequencies helped to kill viruses without damaging the surrounding tissue."

"In 1934, 16 terminal patients with various cancers were studied in La Jolla, CA. It was concluded by the committee that within 70 days, the first 14 patients were cured of their cancer while the remaining two were cured three weeks later based on just two 3 minute sessions a week. Rife suggested any more of a frequency in sessions would not allow the lymphatic system enough time to release the toxins from the destroyed virus and detox the waste from the body.
Another study conducted by The University of Southern California appointed a special medical research committee to bring terminal cancer patients to clinic for treatment. In 90 days, it was found that 86.5% of the patients had been cured."

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