Med-Bed Technology Is Based On Artificial Intelligence, Bioresonance, Specific Electromagnetic Frequency(EMF) & Nutritional / Medical Science

in medical •  2 years ago 

"And there's a very good reason for that, says Sara Aniano, a disinformation analyst at the Anti Defamation League's Centre on Extremism.

"It's really hard to define something that doesn't exist," she says.

Ms Aniano has been researching the spread of medbed chat online, and as part of her inquiries signed up for trial with a different medbed company, 90.10."

"Medical scans help doctors diagnose everything from head trauma to foot pain. There are many different types of imaging technologies. Each works differently.

Some types of imaging tests use radiation. Others use sound waves, radio waves, or magnets."

"A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.

The Med Beds have Artificial Intelligence (AI) that’s controllable so it cannot get out of control and run wild. The AI is the computer. It operates kind of like an MRI, where you sit in a tube and it rolls over your body and does a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease. The Med Bed scans your skin, your muscle tissue, all the organs and everything in your body. It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. When it does that, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection."

"Med-bed resembles an MRI machine without magnetic and radiation. With holographic med-bed, it is possible to perform accurate live scans of the entire body to diagnose and treat illnesses within a short duration.

Furthermore, Holographic Med-bed helps to diagnose and interpret neurological, skin, blood, DNA, organs, bones, muscles, glands, as well as hormonal deficiencies. It can also correct hereditary markers that lead to varied predisposed diseases."

"Some researchers predict that within the year, a major medical center will announce a collaboration using LLM chatbots to interact with patients and diagnose disease."

"The human body needs about 20 essential elements in order to function properly and among them, for certain, 10 are metal elements, though for every metal we do need, there is another one in our body we could do without it."

"In a healthy person, somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic (low pH) lactic acid environment caused by prolonged chronic stress breaking the cell's Krebs' Citric Acid Cycle, somatids pleomorphise into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which then migrate to the cell nucleus to reproduce, releasing acidic waste products called “mycotoxins”, inhibiting cell DNA repair and inhibiting the all-important tumor suppressor genes. Without the tumor suppressor genes [namely p53] to regulate cell death (apoptosis) when the cell has mutated beyond repair, the cell lives on and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells."

"Russian physicists have created a technology called Bioresonance Scanning which uses light to evaluate cellular and genetic function of the body. Research has demonstrated that electromagnetic waves emitted by diseased organs including cancer cells, vary from those emitted by healthy cells. This is due to their differences in cell metabolism and DNA damage."

"Rife’s machine was built based on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams whom believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency (EMF). It was suggested that doctors could kill and eliminate disease and cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency, a theory called radionics"

"Dr. Rife further developed frequency generating devices to emit resonant frequencies - which, he observed, would destroy the organisms he was viewing. These eventually became known as the Rife ray-beam device."

"Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) is a technique for treating pain by using low-level electrical current. The current is delivered to certain parts of your body in an attempt to relieve pain.

A frequency is the rate at which a sound wave or electronic pulse is produced. This measurement is registered in hertz (Hz). During FSM treatment, various frequencies can be used to potentially reduce swelling (inflammation), repair tissue and reduce pain."

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