Rife / Priore Bioresonance Scan Diagnose / Treat / Cure Imaging Equipment Chatbot

in medical •  2 years ago 

"It is known that the human body can generate mechanical vibrations at very low frequencies, so-called infrasonic waves. Such low-frequency vibrations are produced by physiological processes—heartbeats, respiratory movements, blood flow in vessels, and other processes. Different organs of the human body produce different resonance frequencies. The heart resonance frequency is ~ 1 hz. The brain has a resonance frequency of ~ 10 hz, blood circulation about 0.05 to 0.3 hz."

"The human body is a symphony of sounds. Every chakra, every organ, every bone, every tissue, every cell has its own resonant frequency, its own sound. However, when an organ is out of time or out of tune with the rest, then the entire body is affected. This harmony leads to states of disease and disintegration. In this frequency plays an important role to identify the actual problem in the human body."

"Many forms of industrial illness are thought to result from the effects of vibration on the human body. Prolonged exposure causes undue stress and discomfort. At the human whole-body resonant frequency there is maximum displacement between the organs and the skeletal structure and thus this is one frequency of vibration that should be minimized in the workplace and elsewhere"

"The Rife machine was invented by American Scientist Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s. At the time, Mr. Rife was referred to as a modern day genius whom believed that microorganisms were the root cause of most all disease. Because there was no imaging equipment at the time that could view these pathogens in their “live state” the way he needed, Rife decided to make use of his mechanical engineer and microscopy expertise to build it himself."

"Dr. Rife discovered that every organism exhibits a signature frequency or rate at which it vibrates (or resonates)."

"Russian physicists have created a technology called Bioresonance Scanning which uses light to evaluate cellular and genetic function of the body. Research has demonstrated that electromagnetic waves emitted by diseased organs including cancer cells, vary from those emitted by healthy cells. This is due to their differences in cell metabolism and DNA damage. This theory is known as the law of nonlinear dynamic systems. The law describes that any pathological (disease) process or deviation from the norm is a unique, strictly defined (change in electromagnetic waves) energy spectrum. Unlike blood work and other biochemical tests, the cellular energy of tissue is always affected before the byproduct of the tissue is altered in anyway. This cellular evaluation can help us see potential problems before blood chemistry reveals any changes. This explanation sheds light on why people complete “normal” blood work and one year later can be diagnosed with a disease such as cancer."

"“Bioresonance is a trend in modern medicine that is based on the scientific fact that every living organism and tissue exists in a specific frequency spectrum (called a resonance or rate of vibration). By measuring these frequencies using a Bioresonance Scanner we can gather vital information about a persons health and functional status when planning a personalised treatment approach."

"frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death."

Rife Machine Killing Bacteria

"These Beds can perform live scans of the body for diagnosis as well as treat any illnesses with much greater accuracy in far less time and with far less invasion to the human vessel.

These Med Beds will scan every part of your body for diagnosis and interpretation, including your skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, neurological and hormonal efficiency. It can also perform a blood analysis and a DNA analysis"

"Rife discovered that when increasing the intensity of the frequency at which a microbe resonates, it disintegrates from structural stresses."

"using vibration and frequencies, 3-D scanners"

"plasma energy"

"The computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine, however, instead of magnetics and radiation, these Med Beds use plasmatic energy"

"Even though they operate with highly advanced artificial intelligence, they also require the attendance of a trained professional who assists the med bed along in the process of evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment."

"Some researchers predict that within the year, a major medical center will announce a collaboration using LLM chatbots to interact with patients and diagnose disease."

once the cancer causing bugs were identified by the Rife machine, it would generate radio frequencies of exactly the same vibratory rates as the bacteria and destroy them

RESEARCH: The effect of Plasma Waves on Select Microorganisms

Method of producing radiations for penetrating living cells

A Biologically Active Combination of Modulated Magnetic and Microwave Fields: The Priore Machine

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