Specific frequencies to reverse cataracts and restore functions of the eye?

in medical •  2 years ago 

"Here is an excerpt of a letter from one doctor to another doctor, dated June 1, 1937;

"We treated the 'dewy' cornea condition empirically with the same MOR that we used on the cataracts and the dewy condition disappeared very promptly

Every case we have treated, with the exception of one which was a traumatic cataract where the lens was absolutely opaque and of recent origin, has benefited. The process of coagulation has been stopped and there has been a distinct retrogression of the opacities resulting in most cases, in a complete restitution of the function of the eye.""

"In addition to that he also could make degenerative conditions such as cataracts to be reversed."

"In addition to curing cancer and other deadly diseases, degenerative conditions such as cataracts were reversed. Rife had been able to determine the precise electrical frequency which destroyed individual micro-organisms responsible for cancer, herpes, tuberculosis, and other illnesses."

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