Tips for moms to engage with babies in the summer

in medicaladvice •  4 years ago 


The heat and high temperature and humidity were not easy for your baby and he may not express his warmth and desire to moisturize the body, so you need to be careful and take proper precautions.

Do not expose the child directly to the fan's air, but only direct the fan in the opposite direction to the child for ventilation and ventilation.

Air conditioning is good for the baby as it keeps the room temperature uniform

Cotton clothing should be a basic thing for your child, he or she should wear a cotton shirt and a half sleeve piece or jacket and shorts on top of it.

Avoid cold water completely for your baby because it is a lie and he may feel colic instead of relying on lukewarm water.

Breastfeeding, whether natural or artificial, 4 months to 6 months, depending on breast milk only.

Lots of unsweetened juices and fresh sweet fruits that contain large amounts of water.

In hot weather it is best to bathe the baby once a day, but without shampooing once a week.


Your baby needs plenty of water, so be sure to drink it after every meal.

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