MMI Interviews: How Can I Start Preparing?

in medicalschoolinterview •  3 years ago 

Interview offers should be delivered toward the beginning of September. Med schools will by and large direct interviews later in September and early October, and you will just have one interview by schools of the GAMSAT Consortium.
Your interview score will be normalised for use by different schools on the off chance that you did not receive a spot at the school at which you had your interview.

Note that, on the off chance that you didn't get into the school at which you had your interview, you might be considered for colleges that you positioned lower in your application. Notwithstanding, because of the huge number of candidates in each area, it is tragically rare for understudies to get into a clinical school that’s not the one they interviewed at.

The MMI is an extremely difficult cycle, and it varies between Australian med schools, so it's vital to explore the school where you'll be interviewed.

During the MMI, you will pivot between various stations. At each station, you will be given a short measure of time to peruse a trigger on the entryway, which might incorporate the subject of the station and the main inquiry of the station. You will then, at that point, have a specific measure of time to finish the action at that station.

The quantity of stations and how much time at each station changes between med schools, however ordinarily there are between 5-10 stations, with 5-10 minutes at every station.

Here are a few examples of the station types that have been utilised in various med schools:

  1. Standard inquiry/answer stations, where the questioner asks you inquiries and you respond to them

  2. Stimulus stations, where you are given a stimulus (for example a brief video or photograph) and you need to talk about your contemplations

  3. Teamwork stations, where you need to work with a partner to tackle an issue

  4. Acting stations, where you need to play a role in a situation

All in all, here are the key takeaways to help you prepare for your medical school interview:

  1. DO ponder how much practice time you can place in throughout the following months

  2. DO search inside yourself and find out if you are an apprehensive public speaker and plan accordingly

  3. DO research the med school you will be interviewing at to make sure you are familiar with the audience

  4. DO be acquainted with the place for the MMI however much as could reasonably be expected ahead of time

  5. Don't pre-plan your responses for the MMI questions. Nonetheless, you actually ought to rehearse your reactions to the scope of inquiries that you could be posed

For more information, check out our full article here:


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