Why is the "character"

in medicaltreatment •  7 years ago 


very serious to walk, and strive to elegant. Grow up in the anatomy of the teacher to explain the development of skeletons in the classroom, I know that the original "character" is harmful to the health of the child. Yeah yeah, my mother fooled me, but she was so frightened, my walking posture is also urged to be very correct.

Do you have a "character"?

Eight characters and feet are divided into eight characters and outside the character, is due to foot force caused by the wrong, eight feet not only walking position does not look good, but also harmful to health.

● "eight" people: walking toe relative, foot out;

● "outside the eight" people: walking foot when the relative, toes outward.

From the two feet or two foot formation angle can be "character" is divided into light, medium and severe:

Mild: angle ≤ 5 degrees; moderate: 5 degrees <angle <10 degrees; severe: 10 degrees ≤ angle.

Is the character of the character

"Eight feet" part of the congenital inheritance, part of the formation of the day after tomorrow, the formation of the main reasons:

Congenital genetic factors. If the parents have a party is the character, the child is likely to be born;

● practice dance, play football, easy to cause eight feet;

● practice dance, play football, easy to cause eight feet;

● baby too early to learn to walk: the baby's foot strength is not enough to hold up the TA's body, in the process of walking and standing, in order to widen the soles of the feet to increase the intensity to prevent falling, the baby's feet will naturally separate, Eight or eight outside;


● baby wear shoes too early: because the baby feet soft bone, ankle strength is weak, shoes, though cool, but hard and heavy, the baby was heavy shoes set, go very hard! Gait is easy to be distorted, Inside eight or eight outside slowly formed. Mothers, may wish to choose the baby and light and soft shoes it.

● baby calcium deficiency: when the baby bone calcium low, the foot bone is not stereotypes, plus walking and standing when the role of gravity, easy to make bilateral hip joint outward, thus forming a "outside the character foot." Mothers want to let the baby eat more protein, calcium and vitamin D rich food, and more to the outdoor sun, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium.

"Eight feet" is how to hurt your body?

"Octagonal feet" out of the gait, so that the side of the knee side of the biological stress than the normal gait when large, contralateral relative reduction, knee joint force is not normal, over time, will lead to osteoarthritis or cause Pelvis forward.

  1. Bone knee arthritis caused by discomfort:

Knee pain, swelling, deformity, activity affected.

  1. Pelvic injury:

● affect skeletal muscle health;

● cause constipation, dysmenorrhea;

● shoulder neck soreness, low back pain;

● aggravate the "character";

● chronic fatigue.

Kick the key to correct the "character"

There are many ways to correct the eight feet and feet, such as squatting method, vertical jump method, leg method, straight step, etc., here is not one by one. Xiao Bian to tell you is a fun way - kickcock!

The shuttlecock can correct the "character" to a certain extent. If it is "outside the eight", playing shuttlecock when more than the foot inside the kick; if it is "eight", can be used outside the foot kick.

"Alias" not only walk from the road, but also on the health effects, mothers should learn to walk from the baby when you start, if you miss the baby age, through the relevant exercise methods or professional correction device to correct it

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