Unusual Vortex Winds Continue To Increase As The Suns Out Decreases

in medicane •  5 years ago 

This video was originally published 19/12/2019

You can clearly see that there has been a lot of activity in our atmosphere over the last decade that further increased, not only in number of events, but in intensity as well.

Another example that can be talked about are these Medicanes, or the Mediterranean Hurricane, that are supposed to be rare, but are now frequent. We have had two Medicanes in just a single month, and both of those landed in North Africa.

This was how the storm front looked in Algeria as Medicane Trudy made landfall and later in the month Medicane Scott over Egypt..

Shortly before that, Medicane Scott made landfall in Egypt. The result of the precipitation is record grain production and blooming of deserts and mountains in those areas, which are out of the ordinary in arid lands.

During the landfall of the Medicane in Egypt, a cyclone rolled in over Oman from the Arabian Sea. This is just one of the unusual cyclones that Oman and Yemen has seen these last couple of years.

(BELOW) Mammatus cloud formations in Algeria.

The contours of the storm as it lands can be seen clearly upon closer look; and had brought 15-foot waves in the Mediterranean.

With the increasing precipitation Northern African nations are seeing record crop production in these areas.

I understand that this is from mid-November, before winter, but this is in Algeria and North Africa, so they should not get that much of snowfall. But as shown in some of these images, heavy snowfall pervaded in Algeria in early November. It’s a progression in a cycle.

This continued to progress as more and more rainfall came down. The good thing is, they're having record grain production in Algeria and Tunisia.

Remember the incredibly rare Saharan snowstorm. This event happens once in a 50-year event, but now, it was experienced during the winner of 2016-2017, the same snowfall event in the same location occurred again in the winter of 2017-2018.

Then recently, another heavy snowfall during the winter of 2018-2019. Does this make you wonder as well?

On a more serious note, with all these climatic shifting, what is going to happen when food prices rise? I think we should learn from what is happening in Iran. They had 3x increase in fuel taxes, which sent the country ablaze that even the rough and tough military they have could not control.

The angry crowds were uncontrollable so they had to cut the Internet. What is going to happen when it is their food price that is rising?

This is why I like the idea of sharing tips on how we can improve agriculture during the Grand Solar Minimum, reframed by the corporate media as global climate change. This way, unnecessary panic can be prevented, especially when you understand that this is a multi-decade event and there's nothing you can do about it. This is not going to go away no matter how much global taxes you pay.

It comes down to us, the people, to be more innovative in our solutions. They were able to come up with ideas to grow citrus in Nebraska in the middle of winter, so we should be able to come up with ingenious solutions as well.

China and the EU’s unified defense forces are vying for what was the Roman grain growing area of North Africa. Obviously, this is a solution to bring this area online by using underground water sources, such as tapping the primary water from Libya, and putting out canal systems to get two full grow seasons out of it, and be able to turn that into a new breadbasket.

This is also why there's so much interest in North Africa. The rain patterns are increasing there, resulting to increased grain production, so now, the investment increases in the area.

Looking back through history is a solution as well, when we look back we find a stone art that is almost the same as what was seen in Chaco Canyon, also seen in Tassili National Park in Algeria.

This area has been inhabited since the last interglacial, 108,000- 115,000 years ago, which means that people have survived in that same area, indicating that is a place where the rains will return. That part of Africa used to be a Savanna 7,000 years ago, with animals and forests. That was only 7,000 years ago, can you imagine back to the last interglacial?

This brings me to the Richat structure where N. African deserts seems to have enormous amount of ruins, out of place buildings and unusual geologic phenomenon. You might be familiar with the Richat structure, but I have never seen images of it at night. This image is from night viewer in NASA.

Talking to David Stig Hansen, who runs 20 years in Taiwan, sparked my interest about looking at the Richat structure. He has gone very deep into analyzing and searching the desert for anomalous ruins, water canals, or what seemed to be abandoned habitation.

He has an entire playlist of content about this, so if you are into this kind of information, hidden history, you might want to take a look at his work.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of a 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

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(MIAC #288) Surviving the Reset Using Knowledge from Prior Civilizations


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Solar Cycle Activity 46 days in a row sun spotless
Historical Sun spotless days
Snow covers northern Algeria's desert for the second winter in a row
Medicane Trudy Close up
Medicane "Scott" makes landfall over Egypt, heavy rain
Twenty Years in Taiwan Desert artifact and lost structures series

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