Marijuana oil vs. Pharmaceutical drugs: My Mom's results

in medicine •  8 years ago 

I would like to share the story of my mom's results. 

Her health, unfortunately has started to deteriorate, she's really not that old at 75 but over the last two years it's been a downhill spiral for her. Today, she has high blood pressure, extreme arthritis, also gout. Recently, she got the worst version of vertigo which put her in the hospital for over a month, and put her in a position with no choice but to move to Los Angeles with my sister, so that she has someone to look after her.

While in Los Angeles, she starts to get seizures which were quickly diagnosed as epilepsy by the doctors. My sister brings her to a specialist in Los Angeles, which puts her on some crazy pharmaceutical drugs that literally don't do nothing for her except put her in a zombie state, I can't even describe it. When I talk to my mom she basically said, Mel I don't want to be on these drugs, I don't like the way they make me feel, I feel terrible! If I'm going to feel like this, I really would like to die, NO BS!!! She was very sincere about dying and she did not want to live under these conditions whatsoever.     

Well, because of my overwhelming knowledge of marijuana oil for the last 10 years and constantly educating myself on alternative medicine, “real medicine” that actually works, obviously it’s a no brainer. This plant is here for a reason, right?  We take her off the doctor prescribed drugs, put her on combination of CBD and THC oil. 500 mg of THC is her night time oil and 1250 mg of cannabinoids (CBD) is her daytime oil. 1250 mg of only CBD oil has very very little THC of 25 mg. Well, guess what? The seizures are gone, blood pressure 100% under control, arthritis under control! I mean would you like me to keep going on and on and on, as I can hear my mom in less than a week of being on marijuana oil, realizes she has a new lease on life and she sounds great, energetic, positive, I mean I can't even begin to tell you how excited she is, and how marijuana oil has changed her life in many ways.    

She had problems walking because of her extreme vertigo and now she's off the walker, she's off the cane, her voice sounds vibrant, I mean I don't know how to explain this, but it's unbelievable. The story is this, here is a doctor who goes to school for 12 or 14 years,  who has no clue on how to heal my mom,  or,  the other side of the spectrum he does, but being that he earns money from being a legalized drug pusher, shall I say he puts my mom under these extremely dangerous drugs. I'm sure had I, my sister and my brother-in-law not been educated on marijuana oil, she probably would expired within a year or two. I just spoke to my mom today and I said, please do me a favor,  the next time you see your doctor, could you kindly tell him to take his stupid diploma and stick it up his ass,  as it is worthless?  

Can you imagine where we would all be without an internet? 

Folks, the reality is… everything you want to know is on the internet. Technically speaking, you don't even need to go to school, you can learn more off the internet than from these damn institutionalized public systems can ever teach you, and not to get off course, but they teach you a bunch of stuff just so that you serve the master and you're part of this Matrix. Everything you've learned is really just a bunch of rubbish. I will say this, I love marijuana oil I use it myself, my wife uses it for anxiety and works for her, her anxiety attacks are down by 90% since we got married, I use it on my dogs, and I highly highly highly recommended to anyone who needs to get cured, as this is real medicine.

Why would I share my story? Well, it is to inform, educate and help others in similar situations, but you see, there's a lot more to the marijuana story that a lot of people don't know, so I'll say it here as I think it's important. Up until 1937 you can literally walk into any pharmacy and point to a bottle of marijuana oil, and ask the pharmacist to sell you some, it was that simple. But the pharmaceutical industry realized that marijuana oil cures just about everything, you can't make money if people are cured. With that and their deep pockets, and the control of crooked politicians, they systematically concocted a plan to immediately make marijuana illegal. And as a bonus which is funny, they bundled the hemp plant along with the marijuana plant,  making both plants illegal,  here's another funny tidbit, the hemp plant has no THC, I mean 0.0000 THC,  but it is one of nature's most densely nutritious plants on Earth,  and I will go over some of its History and uses here shortly.   

Let's get one thing perfectly straight, hemp is not marijuana, and marijuana is not hemp. Marijuana is medicine and has tremendous medical applications, hemp is more nutritious and you can for example put hemp powder in your smoothies, which by the way is loaded with vitamin B17 and if you have vitamin B17 flowing through your system on a regular basis it is almost impossible to get cancer along with many other diseases. This is why they outlawed the hemp plant along with marijuana. The hemp plant history will amaze you.  Did you know that the first flag of the United States was made from hemp?  Did you know that the first dungaree jeans were made from hemp? Just by making hemp clothes is of extreme benefit, as it allows your body to breathe much much easier than cotton or other textiles. The hemp plant grows incredibly fast and yes you can make clothes for the entire planet, other uses for hemp include making fuels to run cars, trucks, cargo ships, cruise ships, you name it! Talking about clean burning fuel that is extremely friendly to the planet's environment, this is it. Did you also know that you can make cinderblocks from hemp that is 95% lighter than traditional cinderblocks to build homes or commercial buildings? One of these cinderblocks is so strong that you can literally shoot it with a 50 caliber projectile,  and it will not penetrate,  not to mention the fact that a home that is made with hemp can withstand the elements that will far out succeed are current methods of construction.  So there you go folks, now you got a little bit of history on hemp and marijuana. The benefit is there, there are no cons only pros. And the reality is now, you sort of understand why the people who run our planet have been fighting us, keeping this stuff away from us, because they don't want people who are healthy, wealthy, wearing the right clothes, feeling right. So, it's up to all of us to get this information out there because if we don't get this information moving, what's going to happen? Nothing will happen that's what!  

The dumbing-down of the population stops now! Reading this information is great, but getting it out there to people who need to understand the benefits of these two amazing plants is even better! I ask you to move the information forward, it’s valuable information, it will even save people's lives and if this is your first time hearing this stuff, well, I got to ask you, where have you been hiding all this time? We've all had computers for 25+ years and internet since 1987, not that difficult, stop paying attention to television, television is going to brainwash you and distract you to keep you away from all this valuable information. I understand, I'm a rare creature but I tuned the television out a long long time ago, I'm a sponge for this kind of information, and I can never get enough. If I did not educate myself, my mom would be dead in the hands of this evil system. 

Thank you for reading and together it is not that we can make a difference, but we will make a difference.   

Let's take our planet back, its time.  

Move this forward.    

Watch Run From the Cure

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Yah it really is amazing what can be done. I'm glad to hear you're having such great results! I've seen it first hand myself cure an old friendly man of cancer to give him some more time to enjoy life. It's beautiful. Keep spreading the good word!

Thank you! I love the massive awakening, except it should have happen in 2000, I’ve been wide awake since the days if George Carlin the mid 80’s to be exact, I’m huge into alt media 20 + years, I lobe shows like Jeff Berwick, Alex Jones, Drudge and more