RE: Does medical school (in the U.S.) educate a bunch of angels, or is it just another shit show? (hint, it's a shit show)

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Does medical school (in the U.S.) educate a bunch of angels, or is it just another shit show? (hint, it's a shit show)

in medicine •  7 years ago 

I really don't think it's a good idea to generalize so broadly, not all medical schools are full of students who exhibit such a lack of civility. Not all countries have the same application processes as North America.
Also I think it's a good thing med students are living life and not acting as model citizens, nothing worse than a doctor who's too perfect to really understand their students.

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Yeah thanks for the reply due, I think my main point was basically that we're a varied group of people and we're certainly not perfect, though you're right I should probably make the point that I'm speaking from one particular sample of students from one school. Other schools are of course different. Also, where do I write that my school is "full of students who exhibit a lack of civility"? That's not my opinion, it's more-so that people are flawed, no matter where they are, and that there is a degree of group mentality/ immature behavior can arise in a small class of students.