#meetthereseller day 13. Reseller tool. The best tool I have ever owned is my hands, whether it’s lugging about heavy auction boxes, handling items, stuffing boxes with newspaper or just having a bit of me time (you take that last one however you want 😜). They are the best piece of weaponry in my arsenal. In all seriousness, I don’t think I have ever owned such a brilliant yet at the same time flawed piece of equipment. My right hand works perfectly well while on the other hand (see what I did there 😂) my left hand (pictured) seems want to be all over the place, I blame my motor cortex, thanks for nothing brain 🙄😂 #business #money #ebay #success #homebusiness #businesssuccess #businessfromhome #business101 #tools #businesstools #buildabusiness #seller #reselling #onlineseller #entrepreneur #ebayer #ownboss #ecommerce #ukreseller #ukresellingcommunity #ukresellercommunity #resellerwelcome #resellerlife #resell #resellercommunity #share2steem