STEEM Trade Cards, TN Meetup, and Summer Fun

in meetup •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hey all. I haven't done a random fun post in a while, so here it is. I have been posting a bit more of my random social account stuff at @lukes.random so check that out if you're into that sort of thing (basically stuff I tweet about).

STEEM Trade Cards

First off, I got my STEEM Trading Cards a little while ago from @steemtradecards, and they look great!

I was so excited to get these in the mail and be included in this little piece of history.

I've been meaning to do a post on these beauties for a while now, so here it is (finally).

Thank you @kus-knee, @airmatti, and everyone else involved in @steemtradecards. Fun stuff like this are what bring a community together, and I'm honored to be included.

We Had a Tennessee Meetup!

Instead of telling the story over again, I'll let these amazing posts speak for themselves. Please, while you can still give them an upvote, go check them out:

I think I included everyone's post about the meetup. If not, please hit me up in the comments, and I'll link it up.

Big thanks to @jonny-clearwater and @instructor2121 for making that happen. I was camping last weekend with my family and drove an hour to be there because I didn't want to miss it. Thankfully, I was able to take a quick shower (camping is fun, but it stinks) before hanging out with everyone.

I only took two pictures of the deck to give a feel for what we were up to.

Please check out the posts above for more pictures.

Also, if you read through the posts and comments, you'll probably hear talk of an intense discussion between myself and @sircork. Around dinner time, I intended to leave and get back to my family but ended up having a super interesting conversation for many more hours after that.

The basic summary is this: I think Cork could be more successful for himself and the community he represents if he treated everyone with respect and communicated that respect effectively. He's angry about a number of things and feels wronged in a number of ways. For him to change how he communicates to people is, from his perspective, capitulating, something he simply will not do. I think that's a fair summary.

Here's Cork's summary from his post linked above:

@lukestokes: Hey SirCork, I'm LukeStokes, I've been looking forward to meeting you, are you going to be a nice guy or be a dick all day?

@SirCork: <no hesitation> I'm going to be a dick all day.

I better respect how and why people in his community support and understand him, and why he's angry. I also hope he heard me (and, more importantly, the people in his community who agreed with me).

Moving on from that awesome event, I wanted to share one last thought.

Summer Fun

My kids were in the backyard earlier today, and I just had to share this video:

The local schools got out for summer today, so I thought it was the perfect time to post something like this. They love using the sprinklers and water combined with the trampoline. It's like their own water park. Since we homeschool, they've been done for a while, but now their friends can play during the day and not just the afternoon.

I hope you're having a fantastic summer day. If you get a chance to make a STEEM meetup, GO! It's always fun to put a face to a username.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, DAC launcher, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Learn about cryptocurrency at

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth

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Steem cards!
It's amazing?
Are they avaliable also in Europe?
Hallo from Italy guys!

We mail them out world wide from Ticino, the Italian speaking oasis of Switzerland.

A steem card... lol thats dope !

They are some cool looking cards pal.

I did have a double take moment with regards to sircork, I thought it said sircock. Not sure if my mind is in the gutter or I have been subconsciously trolled.

He can be a sir cock once in a while... heheh.

There was actually a misprint on a T-shirt in Ghana and some kid wore that around forever. There's a photo of it circulating here on Steemit somewhere. Cork was a good sport about it. It really was kinda funny.

If I had one card, I would have been happy,
This is a great achievement, congratulations @lukestokes

Well gee wiz that sure is neat

wow..awesome post,my dear friend @lukestokes,the card looks pretty big,
Steem is improving everyday,
thank you for the great information,

Awesome...and ingenious...and thanks for the support, as always.

I want one thanks

Wow, Steem is improving everyday.

thanks for the very good information, success kept friends

That's cool man!

The cards look insanely epic! Congrats for your meetup!

@lukestokes - I have a small question re. EOS in your previous post. If you ever get to check the comments there, you'll find it still sitting there.

Cheers ! :)


Hey! Thank you for sharing our posts and our good time. It was really nice to meet and interview you. I look forward to meeting again! Be well.

Thank you! I had a great time hanging out, for sure.

Those card look great.

First time I see those.

It reminded so much of when I was a kid and we played with Pokemon and Yugioh cards.

By the way, these meetups are really interesting.

It's really great that people from Steemit actually hang out together outside the platform.

I wish there was something similar in Croatia.

Pretty cool to have cards of yourself. One day they will be collectors items.

that's nice.... @lukestokes


I want one of those cards....I have a @papa-pepper one
It was great meeting you buddy.
Go watch some #hotsorshots

It was great meeting you as well. Thanks for working hard to do your think and promote STEEM in the process. I'm really curious to see where things go a couple years from now.

Hey! Thanks for the shout out! It was great meeting you!

It was great meeting you and the family also!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

wow muchas felicidades por las tarjetas, se ven geniales, me gustaron mucho, gran logro señor @lukestokes

That’s awesome @lukestokes !!!

I second the bio they wrote about you. Pretty cool to have cards of yourself. One day they will be collectors items.

Hahah. Maybe. I certainly think they are fun, that's for sure.

STEEM Trading cards! What an awesome idea! super cool

I am so glad I was there to meet you and witness that epic conversation with Cork. Yes, there are definitely reasons people in the community support him. He very much hears the voice of the people, and sacrifices much to properly represent us. That's becoming more and more important as the platform grows and new people sign on. But I totally agree with the points you made about respecting others. I can troll with the best of them myself when the situation calls for it. But for the most part, diplomacy and tact can really get a message across. More people hear when they're not on the defensive.

I'm glad you're partnering with him to help him help more people. :)

I am doing my very best. There's too much at stake here not to. :-)

It was awesome to be a fly on the wall during some of the conversations at this meet up - let’s just say it inspired me to produce a few posts (more coming).

Btw these trade cards are hilarious!

Glad to hear it! I thought it was a passionate and worthwhile discussion. We continued a bit of it on the Steem Stars network in Discord today as well.

Luke my friend, it was great to coexist with you and the group last weekend. It was the highlight of my May.

Wow, all of May! That's impressive. I still want to hear your Puerto Rico story, I've just been pretty busy lately.

These cards are nice... Congratulations sir... I would love to have one... Haha..

Oh man... what I wouldn't do for a Luke Stokes rookie card. I really wish you would have been holding a bat that has "fuck face" written on the butt... you remember that Billy Ripkin card?

Hahah. No, no I do not. Sounds pretty funny though.

@lukestokes , I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier. But here is the Steemshelves link to all the posts about the Nashville meetup:

Cool. I have mixed feelings about these sites that store steem content, organize it, and link to it. Have you seen much adoption or views from it?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Actually, yeah. We have. But we're such a niche market as writers of fiction--a couple of our folks have been able to use those Steemshelves links as portfolios when submitting to mainstream publishers. That's how the whole Steemshelves thing started. It works quite well in that regard.

I can't think of any publishers, small or large, who would spend time scrolling through a Steemit user page. But they'll sure click links when they're compiled in a single location. ;-)

I have used my "Appalachian Heartaches" collection dozens of times when demonstrating to people the power of the blockchain. :-)

Cool. :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What that does, in turn, is demonstrate how useful an interface like Steemit can be for writers. I believe what we're working on in Gatlinburg next month has the potential to bring a LOT of writers to the blockchain who would not currently find it worthwhile. We've onboarded quite a few at TWB already . . . another writing Discord had a mass exodus recently to our server and none of them were on Steemit prior to that. They are now. Steemshelves is integral to our daily operations there, so yeah. I think we've demonstrated some "proof of brain" with the idea. LOL!

Very cool. I like hearing stores about new people migrating to STEEM and through that, discovering cryptocurrency and a whole new approach to value itself. If it can help, feel free to send them to so they can get up to speed with this crazy cryptocurrency world that drives STEEM.

That looks like an amazing video series. I've just now watched the first one, but I'll certainly be watching the rest and sharing the link. Thank you!

Thanks a lot to you! That's the real meetup!

the card looks pretty big, I hope the card can get more

Ha! My kiddos love doing that. Last year we had one of those sprinkler heads was shaped like a big worm and it wrapped about half way around the outside of the trampoline. The little squiggly arms on it would spray water everywhere in random directions. Good stuff bro.

Hahah! That sounds freaking awesome!

Great post! The deck of the house reminds me off the dollhouse I built for my daughter! Maybe I should do a post about that as well

No way bro this looks SO DAMN AWESOME! Now I want my card haha :D Maybe one day, if I stay good friends with good people like you and do a very good job on Steemit :) Really cool bro! Happy you had a great day with kids and fam, that's always a blessing. Keep on rocking Luke bro!

Thanks Jan. :)

Your encouragement and enthusiasm, as always, is uplifting and inspiring. :)

Hi @lukestokes ! I saw this initiative of the cards some months ago, and its great you finaly got them, this is something that you can go back in the future, and see something of what was going on the beginnings of the steem blockchain.

By the way, I just posted about this unique way to fund projects that was created on the Steem Blockchain.

Amazing times are coming for Steem and its community.

Steem Power Delegations Incentivized by Airdrops of SMTs future Tokens - New Way of Funding Projects on the Steem Blockchain

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Regards, @gold84

You're a machine, man. Posting content all the time.

Thanks @lukestokes . Hope what I post is of some help for the steem community!
Regards, @gold84

Those steemtradecards look awesome! As does the trampoline fun. Great to see the kids enjoying themselves, and with a matching set in the neighbouring yard. lol!

I so enjoyed spending time with you at the meetup, talking about camping, the evolution of the platform, and diplomacy. You won my witness vote, but more importantly, my respect. Thanks for showing up. Hope to see you again, next time I'm in Nashville!

Thanks so much. I really enjoyed meeting you as well. That was a fun meeting and some great discussions.

Thanks for posting about the cards arriving. We're always thrilled to learn that they've made it to their destination!

I love reading all the comments here. Seems they are hit! Keep up the awesome.

Hi @lukestokes ! Sorry for the question, maybe out of context, have you used the Exchange?

I have used it several times before, and this time, I went to deposit some ETH to buy more eosDAC. I actually bought around 2,250 eosDAC.

The problem now is that it is asking for KYC and don't know how long they will take.

There is a way to make a GATE.IO code, and send the code to another GATE.Io user to redeem those tokens. I am totally confortable on giving this code to you, so you can redeem them for me if you have an account there.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Regards, @gold84

No, I don’t think I’ve used them before. No idea how long their KYC takes. Good luck.

Thanks @lukestokes!

That must have really been a special time in Nashville @lukestokes for you guys. thanks for sharing. I hope you and cork didn't rip each other's throats out :)

Nope. It was intense, but civil. :)

Good to hear, luke :)

Well, dang! Now I'm feeling out of the loop... there wasn't a Luke Stokes card in the deck I got! Congrats, though — now you're truly card-carrying Steemit "royalty!"

I've seen bits and pieces from the TN Meetup... were you able to impart the finer nuances of NVC to Cork?

Hope your holiday weekend is a good one!

Thanks :)

Sorry for the late reply. I'm playing around with the Fast-Reply tool and it's showing me stuff I haven't replied to yet. :)

@kus-knee - you guys might want to work with @aggroed and @yabapmatt to implement a Steem card game on the blockchain using the steem cards, analogous to their @steemmonsters.

Monsters are fun but imagine having a battle on the blockchain between a @berniesanders deck and a @haejin deck ! :-)