Introduce Yourself In The Comments... Meet Others and Compare Interests ( Special Thanks to @Whatsup)

in meetup •  6 years ago 

After seeing fellow Steemian @whatsup put up a post to better engage with new users of SteemIt I decided to take the same plunge!


As she stated,

one of the most common complaints I hear from people with young accounts is it is difficult to find a following. I agree it is difficult to find others who might be interested in your posts. Don't feel too bad even those of us who have built an audience are feeling like readers are a bit scare right now.

I couldn't agree more with this statement. I suggest you take the time and write a bit about yourself and make it compelling no follow for follow . I'll throw a SBD or two your way for the most interesting bits about you. Extra Bonus, for engaging someone else in this post ;-)

So, what brings you to SteemIt?

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Well, we have “known” each other for a while, but this is a fun initiative, so why not!

My name is Mew Mew and I came to steemit with the promise of a lambo. I quickly realized that I had missed it by signing up a year too late (this time last year) and decided to stay anyway, as I had found fresh content, open minds and a great community.

A year later I am still here, still sharing and still learning. The community and open minds is what keeps me here, and I love the idea of being involved in something so futuristic as crypto. I love the decentralized aspect and enjoy sticking it to the man as much as I can

Now... what about you? 💜

Wait we don't get the Lambo? Psh i'm out, what kind of investment is this website. 😂 I'm going back to buy another marketing course on how to get my money stolen from me xD

@chrisftwynn , I might have promised her a Lambo! lol

Well @steemitqa did you bring one for the rest of the class? ;)

Look outside your apartment , or house and you'll see my gift from me to you ;)

So its been you leaving those bags of poo on my porch!!! >:)

What is wrong w/ my poo ?

The promise of a lambo? By whom?

I doubt this is a serious question but because I have some time on my hands and a fresh invitation to engage and because of the slim possibility of you actually being confused about the Lambo giveaway, let me explain. She means she thought she was going to get rich on Steemit, maybe even rich enough to buy a Lambo. But no actual person promised her a Lambo for signing up for Steemit-- unless it was one of those infamous "ninja miners", they could have done a Lambo giveaway...

Anyhow, hope that clears things up for you. If you need any additional advice that is worth what you pay for it please send any and all requests my way.

Thank you very much, the primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of a lambo promised by another.

The vultures, heavy and ugly, circled and settled down for the night on the palm trees...

You are very correct


I think by nobody, but with the way steemit was presented, she thought she could get one fast with steemit money... Lol

@princessmewmew Mew Mew! hello! we' have "known" each other for awhile this is great that you've responded! The promise of a Lambo lol Yes, you were misinformed who ever said that I don't think it was me ? haha ...

Fresh content, open minds and a great community are bedrock to any great project like SteemIt.

So glad you stayed here. As I always like to say, "Come for the money, Stay for the Community."

Looking forward to another year , or many years with you!

haha, all the above comments are fricking hilarious! thanks guys x

I am so glad to be here, thanks for all the amazing content guys!

I might even do my own post like this if it's okay @whatsup ?

I have a feeling a lot of people showed up for the same reasons when the heard of the new gold rush lol. I missed that boat too, but I'm really enjoying the writing process as I always wanted to start a blog. Steemit became the right platform for me to do that on.

I'm glad there are post like this so that new users like myself can meet other people within the community because they are quite difficult to find on your own at times. BTW I'm a coffee lover too. That reminds me I need to go grab a cold brew!

Mew mew? Your name sounds like the sound of a cat... Smile.

How are you doing?

miaow! Tis me name!

Smile... Hope you are good?

:) Cool I resteemed.. New users and old can always seek some new attention and followers. Thanks for adding to the effort @steemitqa

yes yes yes ... i’m not following you but i saw the resteem and had to support too. 😁😂

Hey, maybe you should start following @whatsup instead of stating that you are not following. Maybe you are just trying to avoid looking spammy in your comments, eh? Either way, Steem on. If Dogecoin is still a thing, just imagine what we can become.

hey, what are you talking about? i meant “following” as in stalking. i do follow whatsup amd she is my mentor. ive been given a dele by her. hopefully this is just you misunderstanding since the word “following” can mean many things. Peace

Haha! She's a rockstar and already a follower. :) I get that some are spammy but not @eaglespirit.

I have to admit this is a funny response to @eaglespirit she is actually being mentored by @whatsup no stalking , or spammy comments going on here!

This is you, I heard a friend making reference to you that you are a commenting freak... Lol

Glad to see your official handle

@emmakkayluv Yes, here I am! :)
Well, I definitely comment quite a bit and have high numbers of participation in groups and such but "freak" well I would not say it quite like that. It is a large part of Steemit and what assists in getting to know others. It takes a lot of time and effort but pays off. Nice to see you too and Steem On!

Well, commenting like you said is a good way to interact with the community, I'm doing quite well at it too, but still miles away from you... Lol

I'm one of your students from afar, because you are doing exactly what I love doing... Commenting.

@emmakkayluv yes definitely! glad you are doing well. no miles ... nooooo :)
ahhh well i am happy to help and so happy to meet a like minded individual. happy day!

Lol, what an humble being you are...

Glad to have come your way anyway.

@emmakkayluv oh snap, i hope i am humble LOL and that wasn't sarcasm. thank you for finding me!! :)

Glad to see it is catching on!

@ross-early thanks for being here!

Thanks! for the RS and upvote!

what's up @whatsup, lol

I love this initiative of yours, I hope it help us especially the new users to connect with those true followers so that we can make impact in each others life...

Thank you for this great initiative...

Hello all! Nice to meet you @steemitqa. I participated on @whatsup post and wanted to participate here as well. My desire to start a blog is what initially brought me to steemit. I felt like it was the best platform for me to start that journey.

Quick rundown: Father | U.S. Air Force veteran | Sports Fanatic | Amateur Photographer | Sports Performance Coach | Interested in all things (literally)

While my steemit account is almost a year old (343 days) I have only been active on it for a little over a month. Life got real busy last year as I was finishing up my B.S. in Exercise Science, completing an internship for a top Sports Performance company, and preparing for the arrival of my daughter Oaklyn all at the same time. Clearly I had no free time for blogging. The good news is now I do!

I'm looking forward to becoming part of the community and building relationships with a lot of you. If you have some free time check out my introduction post or some of my most recent posts below. Enjoy your weekend!✌️

Find some of my other post below

• You are posting too often. Yes YOU!
• Ulog #2 - The rich get richer.
• NBA Free Agent Frenzy - Day 1
• U.S. Soccer = Pay to Play
• Casa Grande Domes - Tourist attraction, ritualistic satanic worship location, or both?

Thanks, @ross-early for stopping in twice! now that is dedication! You came to a very unique place in SteemIt to pursue your blogging. I like you, do love sports too . Hockey, Baseball, & Soccer are my favorites. I do like MMA @contentjunkie got me into it. Glad to hear about the future arrival of your daughter @oaklyn .

Very happy to have you aboard and will look forward to what have planned for all of us!

Feel free to drop into my own personal discord here. Catch you on the others ide!

Thanks for your service too!

Thank you for helping new users like myself find people to connect with. I actually just finished watching some soccer. The two World Cup games today were very entertaining. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Hey guys! My name is Chris Wynn, I applied to steemit originally because it sounded like a super good platform to share some thoughts and make a few extra dollars. Now that I have spent a few days reading welcome posts and introducing myself to a few people I have learned it is so much more than I could have imagined.
The few people I have met so far have been super welcoming and helpful! The last few months that lead me to here have been pretty crazy, I quit my job as a carpenter due to it being rough on the body and decided to attempt and pursue a passive income! Now i'm sure a lot of you can resonate with me when I say "searching making a passive income into google is a total pita". I spent about a month trying to weed through all the "Get rich here" stuff and start finding reliable blogs and videos I could actually trust to maybe point me in the right direction.
Luckily after wasting a fair bit of time doing 30 minute surveys for coins I never even cashed, and burning my brain out trying to catch every bitcoin faucet the world has to offer, I landed here on steemit a few days ago. The search is finally over and I feel like I have finally found a community that rewards you for your hard work and effort. I am super excited to be here and am so glad I get to grow with this wonderful platform! :)

Welcome man! It is definitely a grind here, but if you are willing to put in the work then you can be rewarded in the future. My father was a carpenter as well so I'm all too familiar with that line of work. Good luck on your new journey.

I agree @ross-early , it can be intimidating at first when you get started ,but if you just plow everyday at it before you know it you got a nice plump rep, with some influence around here.

I think he should write about being a carpenter what a line of work to be in!

Consistency is key. I will also say it's important for users to post at a rate that doesn't hurt the quality of their content. Set realistic goals for yourself of how many times you want to post a week and start writing!

Well welcome to SteemIt @chrisftwynn . This is the ultimate platform to share some thoughts and make those extra dollars. Def. different then Facebook, Twitter and the such.

Super glad to hear people have been welcoming and supportive! Being a carpenter sounds rough wow! I'd quit it too and just blog for a living now. So what is that you plan to do here on SteemIt ? I'll look through your posts. Thanks for the thoughtful response!

Thanks for the warm welcome! :) I mainly aim to write about vape related materials, I have been a fairly active advocate for vaping in my off time and noticed steemit doesn't have a lot of recent posts on the topic! Hoping to fill a gap while helping people get off those cigarettes!! :) I also plan on taking some photos of my town in the mountains of Canada B.C. and just talking about life from my perspective! I appreciate you taking the time to comment and wish you all the peace, love, and good vibes the world has to offer! Will talk to you again soon :)

Vaper materials will be great to have. Make sure to follow @ganjagirls when they come back. Canada is just beautiful so the pictures you take will be perfect. Glad to have you aboard!

I checked out your page and you should do fine here. Things can be a little slow at first but as long as you produce the best content that you can with the time that you have, you will build a nice little following.

I appreciate that a lot! :) Thanks for the motivation!! :P

hello friend @steemitga I've always searched the Internet for ways to work from home, until one day I spoke of steemit, and I thought it was incredible, until I saw it for my own eyes. I think this business platform is excellent. My purpose is to earn money to help my family without migrating, I am Venezuelan and many people have left because of the bad economic situation, I do not want to leave, I like my Country and I want to get ahead here and with the help of steemit and my effort and working hard on the platform. I know that I will achieve it with the help of God. A big greeting to you and thanks for the opportunity to express myself. @steemitga

Abrir en Google Traductor

Welcome @nellita66 to SteemIt! So you were looking it up on Google to work from home and SteemIt came up ? Interesting go hear where people found SteemIt. You came to the write place to provide some income for your family. Stay in touch!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

After my kids grew up i thought it time to start my own business. I found steemit by recommendations from you tubers. I joined. I love it. I found that blogging helps me express myself. I wanted to give a shout out to @rebeccababe. She recognizes the family side of steem and has become a person I admire. She travels and takes awesome pictures. Cant wait till Steemit hits it big like bitcoin did. That'll be great.

Hello @sweetjoy glad to hear an entrepreneur is here. I have a feeling we'll have 1,000's on here eventually. Yes, I know @rebeccababe she is awesome! what do you plan to write most about on SteemIt?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thats the problem. I write stories music and wanna do the I just cant decide. I did my first dlive ..on my tomatoes. Lol. Getting there. So much to do plus kids and chores.

I am Engr. Samest and electrical engineer and reside in Lagos Nigeria. I have little knowledge on crypto world but knowing Steemit open my eyes to huge opportunities.
My orientation changed when I entered Steemit and I know I have a lot to contribute to the platform.

  • Looking at the state of our country I looked at it that I have to develop means to help other making some income to them selves and here comes a community know as #airhawk-project where we use to curated people post and encourage them

  • I developed giveaway arena to help those in need and those that needs assistance

  • I started reaching out offline to homeless motherless baby homes and give little money from some of money earn on steemit. This create Joy in my heart and ready to do more.

  • Steemit has make me to become an artist and this shows that what you can achieve you can if you put your mind and remain focus.

This is just little and I'm still seeking fr more opportunities to help many out of this state of hopeless and declare hope to them.

One love

@samest , thanks for writing this up. I didn't know about the #airhawk-project . I'll have to check it out.

Great to hear about the homeless you are help w/ too.

Here is the link

hello there steemqa,

since whatsup is supporting me i’m totally in support of her and this cool initiative. i just saw your post so wanted to support you too! inlove the tag “meetup” and as far as answering your question.

i came to steemit bc i was so tired of instagram and fakebook. i know people who work at fakebook and i was frustrated with the entire false stories, unoriginal memes and people acting like everything was perfect when its not. also the fake political untruths constantly being regurgitated.

further, i got into crypto and wanted to see how steemit wod work out as far as writing (since i enjoy it) and accruing coin.

ive met amazing people who are open, honest, giving, caring and beautiful writers. i would say hands down this is the best site ive cared to participate in. Twitter, myspace, fakebook, instagram, reddit and even eos platform just never vibed with me.

thank you for your invitation to meet others!

eagle spirit

Good afternoon/Evening @eaglespirit @whatsup is amazing with her support of fellow steemians and couldn't have found a better support person. Yes, we are planning to do more of this if you are interested in joining us def. hit me , or whatsup up! Instagram and fakebook were all the same thing at the end of the day. If you are serious about good content, good people and making a bit of money while doing it there is no better platform then SteemIt.

How long have you been in Crypto for ?

Very glad to have you aboard! looking forward to having you participate in all this.

Looking forward to growing with you on this platform!

@steemitqa why hello there kind soul!! yes, i wrote about a 2,000 word comment to get her attention and someone voted for me and i got a confirm. i was lucky. I am very interested, as I love quality content and helping. Count me in!! :)
I joined the Discord group to be where you are ... per your invite. Woop!
I have been in crypto since November 2017, new blogger too.
Thank you so very much and I look forward to working with you. Same here and see you soon!

Hello there. I'm @kayyam09 from Mauritius. I'm trying to promote Steemit by providing my service to the community. I'm a part time graphic designer and I make custom banners or edit pictures for a little bit of SBD. I also provide free services on my blog. I give away free banners and page dividers to my followers. I also provide free resteem services. I'm just a minnow trying to help out other minnows :P

Well I'm very friendly and I can help you with literally anything. Do not hesitate to contact me on Discord(@kayyam09). Here is my personal banner :D

Well hello there @kayyam09, welcome to SteemIt. Where is Mauritius ? I like the idea of promoting SteemIt through the skills you have.

Mauritius is an Island close to Madagascar. It's found in the Indian Ocean. Google it. It's a beautiful Island. ♡
You should also participate in my contests if you have the time to ^_^
@steemitqa I also appreciate support from the Community ♡

I'm googling it now. How the heck did you hear about SteemIt?

I'll check your contest for sure.

Okay, I will give this a go. I am a regular blogger (though not daily). There is a pretty broad range of topics that I cover but I mostly like to write about My personal philosophy on life and the celebration of psychedelics and their various benefits. Occasionally, I also will post about things like drug war propaganda and the various types psychological oppression and exploitation that we all face.

I am usually always willing to engage in the comments on my posts. I have become a little picky about who I follow (mostly because I wasn't picky enough when a I first started here) but I will go and, at least, take a look at your page if you say something interesting.

I feel like it would be a little tacky to provide a sample of my work here but if "trippy stuff" or the exploration of propaganda sounds appealing to you, my two most recent posts serve as a pretty good example of my work.

As for myself, I am not particularly old but I am not young anymore. I live in the desert which I find to be more enjoyable than one might think (except in the summer). I am a night person and prefer not to see the sun if I can avoid it. I came to this site about 7 months ago and, while it has been a bit of a struggle, I have had a few mildly successful posts and I have built a decent following (I think a few hundred of them are bots or dead accounts, sadly). There is more I could say about myself but I think my work here is more interesting than my pretty unexciting personal life lol.

Thank you @steemitqa for the opportunity here. I generally don't like to self promote but, if I'm being honest, I could use all the attention I can get on my blog.

Hi @artisticscreech thanks for taking the time to respond. I like the fact you do a wide range of topics from drug war proganda and various other types of post. It's good to have a wide-range of topics on SteemIt.

As for picky who to follow I hear what you are saying. I don't post much as you can see . I just typically resteem and help community manage projects such as Zappl. But, I plan on doing much more postings.

I love the desert! Found another person who does very cool. Yes, during the day is to hot and nightime is more of my thing.

So happy to have you here and glad to see if we can't get your blog some more support!

Hello @whatsup wow your repo.70 amazing

I've written some posts in the past on who brought me to Steemit. That would be @luzcypher and his contest that he created back in 2016 is most impressive.

I've had my ups and downs with Steemit and have seen many changes. I love the concept of quality content that helps the masses. For some reason I've fallen off the radar on this platform and am hoping to change that.

Either way I've not given up and keep plodding along. I write about anything that I consider quality or green content. Educational and funny as well because the world has become more dark and twisted and we all need to lighten up a bit.

I'm glad I found this post.... much obliged.

Good afternoon/evening @mithrilweed and yes, I've heard of @luzcypher and his contest before. It was a very impressive contest back in the day. Still going I believe.

SteemIt is def. an up & down event. All you have to do is become more consistent even if it feels like you falling out with the platform just make a comment or two even. Those go a long way. I'll check out your post as green content sounds good to me.

I agree about the world has become more dark and twisted and we all need to relax and enjoy it a bit more!

Thanks for stopping by.

I am @emmakkayluv, I joined steemit on December 2017 as @emmakwisequote but I lost password into that account in February, I reconnected with steemit in March, that shows how much believe I have in this community. Smile

When I first heard about steemit in November 2017, I found it so real to be true, so I waited for another month before I created an account, (this remain one of my regrets about steemit) now I am a living testimony myself... Smile, my testimony has drawn many into the community...

I am friendly and I love meeting new friends as a person, but not just making friends for it sake, I love staying connected with friends, that's why you will see me following limited number of people, but I ensure I comment and give my 0.001 cent to support their contents...

I am a farmer, motivator, teacher, writer, counselor, public speaker, philanthropist, lover of cryptocurrencies and a pastor, I am a man of many fields, you can connect with me if your field is in line with any of those listed.

Nice meeting you all.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I have been on Steem for six months now. And initially what brought me here was my love for cryptocurrency and interest in blockchain tech. I knew Dan and co had created a blockchain capable of high transactions per second, with no fees and I found the concept of a fee-less blockchain interesting.

Before I started blogging here almost everyday, I also have a personal blog which gets 100k visitors per month (still active and I occasionally still post), mostly organic traffic from Google for Javascript related posts.

My name is Dwayne and I am a front-end developer during the day and work on my own ideas in the evening, as well as Steem related content ideas and outlines, as well as managing to get some Netflix time with my wife as well.

I tried putting Google ads on my blog and I think the most I made one month was $10. It was inconsistent and people block ads anyway, so I removed the ads and starting writing here in Steemit.

Admittedly, it has been really hard to succeed here. I am by no means a success and for whatever reason my 1100 followers equates to a maximum of 40 votes on a post if I'm lucky. I don't have an exact niche either, but I think my long-form content is probably the most unique thing and my niche. Lately, I've been trying to write thought-provoking content which has elicited a response from people.

I also try and post one post per day Monday to Friday, then on the weekends I have mostly Steem free time where I recharge and spend time with my family. If I do ill scroll through my feed only, swing some upvotes and maybe a comment or two.

Hi @beggars welcome to 6 months on Steem. I agree the blockchain Steem is top of the line and capable of some pretty amazing things.

A personal blog with 100k in visitors is great, hopefully you can monetize some of your expertise here. Yes, success is going to take time on this platform and it becomes harder if you don't have a niche I agree. In the long term you'll win out by staying around and participating. Post once a day like you are doing that is great!

This post has received a 7.70 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

I am a Filipina amateur mobile photographer and a dust steemian. :-D
I Love #foodphotography and #naturephotography ;)

Saludos es un placer ver personas nuevas por aquí, éxitos te desea @ydavgonzalez.

Welcome to Steem, @steemitqa!

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