in megamind •  7 years ago 

Some call it, guts, others hunch, some say it's intuition and some omeven go as far as to say it's following your heart.


There are certain inner knowledge you possess, you don't know how you know it or why,its just a reflection of what you already know that you didn't learn from anywhere or anyone.

INSTINCT is an inner knowledge (knowing) that emerges from a well spring of wisdom within. Instinct is not ability to not only help us survive, but it also helps us thrive. To survive is quite different from survival. In the Animal kingdom, almost the animals that try to basically stay alive are mere survivors, but the lion thrives over all because he stands as the king.

Instinct is as natural as knowing what you are born to do. But instinct is deficient in this generation, many basically walk with their insinct dead. They live solely by not doing what they are born to do, but what they are compelled to do, trained to do or what otherneed them to do.

Many wonder why theylive unsatisfied no matter who they are, what they are or become. The feeling of fulfilment isnt just there. This is because they are definitely working, running, striving but almost this are not done according to their instinct. They let another voice dominate the voice of their instinct and thus it turns down the voice of their heart.

movement as we know doesn't nessecary mean progress.

Why do men stick to routines? uncertainties and fear has taken a seat in the kingdom of their instinct, thus the voice that rules is the voice of the outside, the voice of the struggle the encounter everyday not the voice of whom they really are.

Why do men watch othes excel because they have listened to their own instinct rather than permit the voice from the outside, yet they ignore the voice on the inside that beacons hope.....

Oh yee foolish man, you are made fir more than this, why do you place a limit on yourself. Why do yee enjoy cherring others but remains as only as spectator but not a player. Why have yee turn deaf ears to the voice from the inside calling you deep.

Distract all distractions and live by your Instict, that's the only way to thrive.

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